Sunday, October 31, 2010


Laced with mystery, Samhain straddles as many beliefs as it does dates. Some think of as three days and others less while some even more. Some think it the beginning of their year as we enter the cold and dark beyond harvest and head for the return of the light. It is a time of fire.

The community celebrated around bonfires. Some villages ensured all other fires were out and the village lit each hearth from the flames of the common bonfire for Samhain. Some had two bon fires and each villager walked between the fires to purge and purify. The herds were purged of the weak and their meats gathered to sustain the people in the winter. The remaining animals were often marched between the bonfires to purify them and link them to the villagers as well. All bound together by the common flames and each better prepared for the season to come.

Samhain is also Halloween. The seeming innocence of bobbing for apples and the dark forces flying between worlds surface at this very special time. It is one of the most powerful Sabbats and is celebrated in many ways for those open to its energy.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Mabon 23

See the joy of acceptance as energy rallies all to all. Feel the trust of the herd and the tribe in each other as places are not just taken but embraced. Touch the sweetness of longing in those that feel what comes. Hear the music of insight as even those that watched now dance with the growing throng. Speak of all of this more freely now as the harvest of Mabon moves to closure.

Mabon 22

Link the past with the now so that you see the very circle that flows from then to now and onto what comes. See not a line for time in a line in a concept that limits. With the tribe and the herd, time circles and merges in a fluid dance of evolution, revolution, completion, and continuation. Those that look at time as a line or as a moment in isolation see but a brick of the building.

Mabon 21

The leaves scatter to the winds in bursts of dying brilliance. Stars shoot across a morning sky seen by eyes looking upward in new ways. The darkness remains longer in the mornings now as even time controls shift in tune with the energy from the SOURCE. The week is different than any yet settles to new routines. New places. Acceptance.

When the trees return to greenery and the light lingers longer, the tribe will be more tribe and the herd more herd. The shift is now.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Mabon 20

Places are clearer now. As Mabon moves to closure, eyes are opened via words and images to what should be as well as what will be. What led to the here and the now was merely the seed that is harvested now.

Assume your place for that will help others assume theirs. There will be those drawn to those drawn to you. Let them feel of you once removed for that is more than enough for their thirst and need. Those that you suckle are the purest energy SOURCE most could ever handle. The SOURCE is almost volcanic now and the eruption comes to you and yours to fuel the heat so many need and crave.

Mabon 19

Help those that move to place in ways they did not expect but that see now their true belonging. Ensure that as they grow in awe of you, this is seen not of you but of the SOURCE of your place and power. This is not about them just as it not about you. It is about all. All. Those that move to tribe and the many more that move to herd. A herd that forms with longing for self and melds with understanding of place.

Use thankfulness as the guide for who is in right place. Those destined to rule will do so with an amazement to be so selected for such an important responsibility. They will link to kindred for reassurance at times that this duty is executed well. Those destined to serve in herd will reach out to others in herd and those that rule for similar reassurance that their duties are sufficient to continue to earn such bliss.

Much moves now and the movement will be even more as Mabon moves to closure. The tribe and the herd expands. Expansion that will erupt and spread with the wild fire of the purest energy. The SOURCE pushes outward in all of tribe and all of herd.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mabon 18

Solitude has its purpose. Reflection. Gathering to oneself. Time to ride your own thoughts on paths of their own. Solitude is never truly solitude for the tribe nor the herd. Once with true kindred, the connection is so permanent that the linkage is seared into the soul.

There will be times when you seek solitude and times when solitude is pushed upon you by knowing Forces or even by Forces that hope to separate. In any of these times, use the solitude for growth and even stronger connection to kindred of tribe and herd.

Solitude will be yours even in the most crowded places at times and in places of deepest isolation at others. When it is there, feel it, use it, and emerge all the better.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Moments in my Mind

Dancing through my paranoia with my schizophrenia down the center aisle of my manic-depression.

Keeping my words to myself was killing my spirit. My words are my Pom-Poms and I am cheering up a storm for you cause the words are really yours. Rah. Rah. Shish-boom-ba. Take your own sides. I’ll have a side of fries and make it my main course. Writing. Right writing. Writing and reading. Reading and righting. Things are going be alright and I hope you know that. Read about it right here.

Love it. Hate it. Deal with it. I am what I am…like really am what I really am. Learning to like what I really am. Really.

Pop your damn pills, put mud in your own eye, Popeye ain’t just some sailor man.

In uniform, out of uniform, this function, that function, dysfunction….addressing and redressing. I use to be in uniform but now I am out of uniform and doing things even better. Bear arms. Bare arms. Tattoos where there used to be silence. Make your mark. Is this gonna leave a mark? X marks the spot and this shit ain’t coming out. Who’s coming out? Guess who’s coming to dinner?

Cross dress, cross bows, hot cross buns, a bun in the oven, so hike up your skirt because we all have our cross to bare. Bare it here. Bare it there. Barely here. So out there. Here and there is right over there and here we are. The chicken crossed the road and came home to roost. That’s how this cock crows.

It’s Wednesday and I am thinking how much I like Thursdays. Old time paydays. Thanksgiving and the annual “are you taking Friday off too” tail chase to see who stuffs what where. Halloween feels better on a Thursday. Thursdays feel good even though today is really Wednesday. How was your day? This day is your day. Tomorrow might not be your day. Tomorrow might be the day you miss. Here is your day. Open it up. Trick or Treat. It is yours for the keeping. For the moment. This moment.

I can speak out of both sides of my mouth, out of my ass, and without saying a word. “Nuff said? I’ll get back to you on that. Even if you don’t hear me, my words will fall like that tree in the forest, be louder than my own hand clapping, and sing long after I kicked the bucket I couldn’t carry a tune in. Well, well, well. Look’s who’s talking now. More importantly, look who’s hearing now. Now. Now. Now. Feels like a Thursday, don’t it? Have I mentioned I like Thursdays? Tomorrow got here a day early and it is about time cause it was long overdue. Do it. Over do it. Do something right cause that is what we have left. Exit, stage right. That’s really left. Did you know that?

Look Away, Washington

Battered red, white, and blue.

War costs more than ever known.

Deaths tax even our future hopes.

Allegiance removes its blindfold.

Look away. Look away.

Look away from Washington.

Votes barely a whisper.

Money heard crystal clear.

Use to be right, then I just left.

Americans dream at home.

Look away. Look away.

Look away from Washington.

Heroes in your neighborhood.

Global is just next door.

Weapons keep right on killing.

Love right through the fear.

Look away. Look away.

Look away from Washington.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Beauty Full

I see your beauty and shall see your beauty long after the sands of my hourglass crystallize into the jewel of nothingness. Your beauty feeds my soul. It shines when you touch another with it. Your eyes shine when you see the beauty that surrounds you. It transcends the forces of humanity that would deny it. It survives the ravages of illness, age, and even death. I see it beneath your dress, undress, flesh, blood, and bone for that is where it lives. There is the womb of your truest beauty for any that see it. I see it even inside me for that is where your beauty is understood first. You are beautiful long before I see how beautiful you truly are. You are beautiful long before you see how beautiful you truly are.

Your beauty is there even when you do not feel it. At your weakest, it waits within for it is strength. When you are in the darkness of hate, it loves. It is stronger than the wars within and without that would deny it in yourself and even others. It came with you at birth and will be here when your flesh is no more. I see it in you and all that I see. I see it in those that are at that next place and those that will see this place when I forgotten. I feel it without seeing it and feel it even more having seen it. Thank you for filling my world with beauty.

Mabon 17

Honor in tribe is Honor from SOURCE. Those that come to be with tribe will be of honor just as they did in their own way prior. Honor is not from tribe for honor either is or is not. Honor is from the purer place. Honor is from the SOURCE. Beings of all shapes and sizes have either tapped that prior to tribe and herd or not. Being of tribe and herd will not create Honor. Being of tribe and herd will change Honor in that Honor becomes of the common purpose and moves to broader openness and more collective understanding.

Honor is. Honor in tribe is more special since the valor is not of self but of all.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Mabon 16

Resources push forth from east to west as your Light streams forth. The Gathering begins. The Light is strong in Synergy. Beaming from the SOURCE, through you and yours, to those in longing and need as well as those already linked to the SOURCE in their own way. The SOURCE pushes and pulls to link for it is time.

Venues barely touched hears and feel you. Those of you draw to them and those drawn to those draw even more still. This is a force in motion and there is no stopping. It is stronger and grows stronger each moment.

Eyes open, even the ones shut theirs tightest. Tribe heralds forth and herd scurries forth. Those that come are often reversed of expectations. Assuming places flipped from what thought but sensed to be right and accepted with insights from the journey to rightful role in tribe and herd.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


A should have been eaten yesterday banana.

Sad people thinking sad things as it rains.

Dead man singing about a guitar weeping.

October kisses me with its cold, grave tongue.

Choosing life is easy when flowers bloom.

Funeral pyres fail to warm the soul.

Costumed nothingness doesn’t hide anything.

October kisses me and waits for opened mouth.

Leaves say so long and fall into nothingness.

Cold and dark stays longer with every breath.

Was it all enough becomes the voice of hope.

October kisses me and I let it kiss my ass.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Mabon 15

See the efforts completed freely and in tribute to SOURCE. Feel the energy of acceptance as those of you bear the pain and obey without question. Taste the sincerity of the lips on the feet and the hands and any flesh. See the love and joy in the eyes that look up. Hear what is said as probes deepen and exposure completed.

This is the birthing process as the family of children of light grows. Each placed where each should be to complete the linkage of all things to all that is done and all this is, period.

Friday, October 22, 2010


To question or not to question, that is the question. No question about it. I question everything. I am a Questioner. Question to learn. Question to ensure I actually understood what I learned. Question how to share it, how to give it away, and how to keep giving it away. Question all the time and then question why I question all the time. It happens all day, every day. I wake up with a question of what the day holds and then go to sleep with a question if I did my best. My dreams walk right into my questions. Questions about the light. Questions about the dark. Questions to learn.

Questions are joyous. Each question is the Divine Child opening to be fed. Maybe my mouth should be a question mark. Maybe my Divine Child has a question mark rather than a halo. My Divine Child questions all the time. I even question the Divine. How dare I? How could I? How could I not? I question to learn and then to share and then if I shared enough and if it was what others needed and if it will really matter. If it does, cool. If it does not, so what? Tomorrow is an unknown. I do not question that. I do my questioning in the moment.

Some questions are to attack. When asked them, I realize they are not truly questions at all. Yet when I feel myself asking those type of questions, I honor them. I choke them back and ask myself why the hell I would do that? Why would I question my joy or my choices or ever dare to question others joy or their choices. All of those questions are actually all about me anyway so I choke them back and must become a Master Questioner.

Why do I question? What drives this question? I own the questions and question right through the questions to find the fear that drives them. To find what I need to feel to understand why the heck I would question my very joy. To understand the weakness that is mine that would have me question others rather than ask why I question them rather than face the question of self I avoid by questioning them. Those are the questions of deeper learning. I go deep into them because there is sweetness in deep learning.

I question to learn. No question about it. I question to grow and shine and share and live and die and love and love even more and then even more than that. I question because I am human and we are here to learn and questions are all about learning. Learning about me so that I can be the best me and then a better me and then even a better me. Learning about me so I can be a We and We We We all the way home. Right back to where I came from. Wherever that was. Any questions?

Thursday, October 21, 2010


As the world intrudes, quiet eludes.

The less we touch, the less we feel.

We fear insight of our dependence.

Hearing improves with silence.

Scent calms the human beast.

A bitten tongue reigns supreme.

Synergy enhances everything.

Gifted freely, valued when less.

Absence makes union sweeter.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


A convertible, blue instead of brown, and felt more like a Caddy but I knew it right away. Learned to drive on it. It wasn’t mine then. It isn’t mine now. Down the road I went. Temptation dressed as pleasure in the front seat. She tried to call the shots. Ego in the back seat, just along for the ride. A face from long ago that I almost didn’t recognize. Let him know I did and that he always reminded me of my brother.

She rode low to the road. A bullet. The bridge went to who knows where. It was the horizon. It was a cliff. Didn’t matter. Urgency had the pedal to the medal. The storm in the distance slashed the sky and was exactly right for this trip and these travelers. Even in the parking space and perfectly centered, the long sleek sword blocked the way for another sword that parked instead of going around. They shouldn’t have commented. They shouldn’t have gotten out of the car. They shouldn’t have said they were appraisers. It was too easy for me and Ego. Two bald and briefcased out of shape stooges. Too easy to bash their heads on the hood of even another car and then get back on the road.

My only new Buick went up in flames just as a new year birthed itself back before I really started traveling. Now my drive way is bigger than I need and there is a bike in my carport that knows Red Rock City and looks like a lot like the one from the Sears Catalog that was the answer to all my prayers back when I was just a boy. Now, I am Word Man and folks thought they saw me and they saw my echo while I was quiet and playing with my MasterCard. Let the stories know I ready for them. Hungry for them. I am here inside the words and that is where I belong. I will keep the words and letters coming, boys and girls.

Ladies, keep your legs crossed cause that muffles the siren song. I can name that tune with my eyes closed, my fingers crossed, and without buying a vowel from my crap shooting buddy in any gin joint in any town even when one-eyed Jacks are wild. I am Pogo and know all about Froggy and his Magic Twanger. Got that joke and all the lame ones that followed. Laughed when I should have be learning but learned more than I laughed. Learned to drive in a Buick. Learned to love in a Cadillac. Maybe it was a Plymouth Duster. Doesn’t matter, I learned to love really well…or so I have been told. That guy in the back seat remembers very well and hardly ever forgets a face.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Some days, I get tired. Just leave me alone, don’t you dare leave me alone tired. Don’t like that place but sure do know it. It is a selfish, self-pitying place. I feel everyone else and tire of it. Just want to be while already knowing that just being merely feeds it. Want to sleep but that is hiding from it. That is being in it and letting it wash over me in the unrest of not feeling. Life is about feeling. Even when it makes you tired. Especially when it makes you tired. To feel is to live and we get tired of living sometimes. We get tired of how hard it is. We want things to settle down. We want them to ease up. We want to scream “Take a damn break”, “Shut the fuck up”, and “Leave me alone” at the top of our lungs to anyone’s face. Sometimes we do. At our weakest, we scream it at others. At our strongest, we scream it at ourselves. Real loud. Real long. Real clear.

Some days, I get tired. Days like today. That is when life really gets interesting. That is the birthplace of change and proof that we are pregnant with life. Life is inside of me and it is kicking up a storm. Have to smile because punching myself in the stomach is just plain stupid. I might be tired. I ain’t stupid. I also ain’t weak…..or else I would be much more tired.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mabon 14

Look beyond the visual and truly see. The eyes feed much and can overshadow other aspects of things thought only visual. Colors. Shapes. Things in sight but only when eyes of the realm are closed and the truest eye looks forth. Chakras are muscles as well and must be exercised.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Mabon 13

Where your kindred are, so are you. The effects of Synergy are that wondrous. Once linked with those of common purpose, you are not just you. You are We. Acting in harmony and unison as if in many places at many times. When you feel the We as sure as you feel the you, tribe moves exponentially and herd runs like the wind to follow in the joy of belonging. See not with the eyes that have kept you as you. See with the new vision and see the We.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mabon 12

Harvest the sweetness of knowing family. Feel the acceptance of things from family that is of energy. Energy flows longer and stronger than blood. Blood is limited to one realm and this space and time. Energy crosses all realms and eddies through space and time freely.

The tribe is a family of energy. Touch that energy. Merge those energies with the passion of freedom. Freedom to taste what you have always wanted to taste and to be what you were and will be again. Freedom given of self and to self with others that are kindred.

The joy of this freedom will sing forth from herd and tribe. SOURCE is of All.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Good Buddy (For my Dad---William Van Wagner)

I know him much better now than when he was alive. Understand his example and life lessons and find the ability to celebrate him much easier. He was an everyman. One of the blue collar faces in the crowd that the world barely noticed. Yet he touched hundreds. Those lucky enough to know him. In that regard, he was just like you.

He thought he was not that important. He was just an average guy making a living that was sometimes enough but usually too little to give his family and even himself what he wished he could. He blew some of it on his weaknesses and that tainted the very things the cigarettes and booze were supposed to provide. He conquered those weaknesses and then returned to them again in greater defeat. He struggled to bite his tongue when he wanted to give life the middle finger.

Buddy. More knew him by his nickname than his given name. He was bitter about those he did not know and loved those he did know. When he hated, he hated the bitterness of it. When he loved, he loved the depth of it. He had an attitude about life in that he did not like his attitude about life. He prayed over and over for one thing……that his children were happier than he was in life. He walked with contradiction in his heart, lived with hope for others in his soul, and died without knowing how well he was named. Buddy.

He loved family even when family didn’t love back. He knew his children needed him as a parent more than they did as friend. His door was open and his table ready for any in need. He owned his mistakes and forgave others theirs. He cheered for the little guy. He counted his family as blessings, his neighbors as family, and his friends as neighbors. He shared what he had. He was content with simple things and loved to dance.

Those that knew him, miss him. Those that didn’t, missed out. He was my father and I am damn lucky that he was. He was the most human man I ever knew. I love him more now that I understand how good he was at life. Thanks, Dad.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Night into Day

At the wrong table and lunch is long overdue.

She’ll struggle to find us this far off the map.

Dusty old shelves in vague Memory Stores.

Was someone else but they did not get the joke.

Song after song when she asked what was my gift.

Words already spoken still to be shared.

No longer strangers but not who they were.

Hard on my dreams while softening curves.

Up a bit early to be home when it’s dark.

Birth is a Womyn and death is a man.

First ones are here with more coming soon.

Blood in the closet that hate hoped to hide.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mabon 11

As the light bursts forth from hither and yon, the upsets will be many. Man against man. Water against man. Earth against man. More to follow. This is the wake up call as what was returns so that all begin to heal. The expression that it is darkest before the light is truth.

See not all these happenings with helplessness for the case is exactly opposite for Tribe and herd. Link with each other and kindred for the journey that begins inward and results in totality. The inner self freed to its calling. Both for rulers, followers, beasts, and slaves. The community formed for strength, support, and love. Linkage to all life from all spheres and all realms.

Those on the path, move faster now. Those standing in hesitation, step forth with hand reached to those that guide. Those choosing other paths or the darkness of denial, be well.

Peace Child, Hole man

Tears kissed me awake this day. Eyes cleansed in light of hope and truth. Inside the flower, I open and gather. Kissing from love and in love and with love. Tasting all around the darkness and sensing the cancer of doubt retreat back into the fear and loathing. To be of this flesh yet so far removed from the dirt that is our substance. In that dirt is life. The life of that thing next to me, before me, and after me. The life that loved me to breathing and will miss what I see in the mirror when the reflection they see goes beyond their own flesh. This is the opening and joy of acceptance and the hunger is deep and the light eases in and fills me with nothing for that is home and love. Yahway. Hip Hip Hooray. Come and be of the vibrations and flower children in the garden of the light. Numbers speak, music hums, and words flow in cleansing waves of birth. See through me and feel you for you are loved so much that you show yourself everywhere I look.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Mabon 10

You and yours become as the Light. As you look inside and become what you were destined to be and help those that also look inside to understand their place and destiny, your light beams forth brighter and brighter. As the tribe forms and the herd gathers, the lights therein merge to a brilliance that bursts forth. The light draws those that seek kindred. The light calls those that yearn for place in the herd to come to pen and cage. With each of tribe and each of herd that gather, the light brightens as if a gathering of suns.

All will be able to sense it. For some, it will be as light for their eyes are open. For others it will be as heat for their eyes are closed but they sense it still. Herein begins the shift of those of the light and those choosing not to be of the light. The light is for all and only those that do not choose it have no hope of joining it forever.

Some will merely shield their eyes from it and go about their existence. For others, this will not be possible for they will be near it at all times and the shield will not be enough as the lights gather and grow. Soon they will turn from it in hopes to see clearly for looking at the light will blind them. Some of the weakest will not just look away but try to extinguish the light. They will not believe the light can be good and will see it as fire of destruction growing all around them. These will not succeed but will find places where the light does not touch them and therein wallow in that darkness.

Turn no one away. Bring no one forward that is not ready to see as well as be the light. Each that are of and with you are of and with you by choice. The same is true of each that choose otherwise.

Bestest Day (From my grandnephew-Matthew Agar--Happy Birthday)

Matthew’s Bestest day ever started our like a regular day. He ate breakfast and played a little bit. Then his mom asked him if he wanted to go on a special trip with his bestest friend. Just the two of them. “Just the two of us?” Matt’s Mom said yes and Matt grabbed his buddy’s hand and they ran out to the car.

The two boys played together whenever they could but usually there were others playing too. Matt had a brother and tons of cousins and lots of friends and his bestest friend had sisters and tons of cousins and lots of friends too. Add in friends of those friends and it was rare for it just to be the two boys playing alone. Matt knew right away this was going to the bestest day.

Matt’s Mom dropped off the two boys at one of the bestest places in the world. Mom-Mom and Paw’s house. Mom-Mom was expecting the two boys and had her home made macaroni and cheese all ready for their lunch. The two boys ate while Mom-Mom and Paw talked to them. It was yummy. All of it was so very yummy.

Then all four of them played on the WII. They bowled. Matt loved seeing all the other MII’s in the background when he bowled. The two boys bowled three whole games with Mom-Mom and Paw. Matt didn’t remember who won. He felt like they all did.

Then the two boys headed out on a walk. Turned out the two boys were going to walk all the way from the Mom-Mom and Paw’s house back to Matt’s house. That was a long way but it was okay with all the adults so the two boys headed out.

They laughed and joked and smiled a lot. Once a police car pulled up and asked if Matt’s Mom knew the two boys were out all by themselves and Matt said “Yes, Sir” just like his Mom would want. The policeman reminded both boys to be careful since they were all by themselves. He even offered the two boys a ride but Matt said he would rather walk with his bestest friend. The policeman smiled and said he understood and let Matt’s bestest friend know that he was lucky to have such a good friend.

The two of them walked all the way down Fourth Street and crossed the bridge over the creek. Matt’s bestest friend told Matt how his Dad sometimes took him fishing and crabbing on this creek and even down on the beach by Raritan Bay. Matt thought it would be cool if his bestest friend’s Dad took the three of them some time and his bestest friend said he would ask.

It took a long time to walk all the way to Matt’s house but it was over in a flash. Matt hugged his Mom and told her all about the walk and how totally cool it was. Then he thanked his bestest friend for the bestest time. He even hugged his bestest friend and said, “I love you, Daddy.”

Happy Birthday, Matthew

Love, Uncle Gil

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Unique (For my Grandaughter---Meghan Wood...Happy Birthday)

Once upon a time, there was a little girl that was unique. Now, she didn’t really know she was unique. She didn’t even really try to be unique. She was just busy being herself and the more she became herself, the more and more unique she was. Seems being unique was quite natural for her so she started being unique at a very young age.

When it came time for birthday parties, she was just like other kids. She loved going to birthday parties and loved having her own birthday party, too. In her family, and in a lot of the families for the kids she knew, the kids got to select the theme of their very own birthday party. Some picked Star Wars and others picked Spider Man. There were Cinderella themed parties as well as Fairy Princess ones. The little girl was excited to pick the theme for her very own party. Orange. After all, it was her favorite color. She loved the party when her birthday came and carefully planned what she would select for her birthday the following year. When the time came, she knew exactly what to pick. Art.

In her family, the kids also got to pick what they had for dinner on their birthdays. If they wanted to go out for junk food, a rarity since their Mom and Dad ensured they ate good, healthy food, they got to go out for junk food on their birthday. Sometimes the kids picked junk food. Other times they picked some restaurant that was new. They even sometimes chose a special dish that Mom or Dad would make for them. When it came to this little girl’s birthday, she chose something that was just right for her. A dinner everyone could enjoy that would a special treat from all of them on her special day. Honey Nut Cherrios.

She knew what she liked. She had her own song about being a Rock Star since she would very likely be a Rock Star when she grew up. Either a Rock Star or Tinkerbelle. Maybe both. She was not sure about that yet. She also liked tomatoes. A lot. She would snack on them over just about anything else. She had a younger sister that called her “baby” and she liked that. She danced at the drop of a hat, even if no one really dropped a hat. This little girl knew what she liked and she enjoyed doing what she liked.

She was just being herself. A person that really enjoyed favorite colors and tastes and sounds and so much more. She laughed and danced through almost everyday. Her life was a celebration of living. Her life was a celebration for everyone around her. I know because I know that special, unique girl. She is my granddaughter, Meghan Wood.

Happy Fourth Birthday, Meghan

Love, Pop-Pop

Friday, October 8, 2010

Mabon 9

See and feel. Each day. See and feel. Take moments to focus on the flow that is of all things and to all places. Everything is linked in flow. Flow is. It is that simple. Once felt, you are of that river. Once felt, that river is of you. This is true of all things from all places but many, sadly most, feel it not.

There are reasons many, sadly most, feel it not. Know those reasons for those reasons will remind you what to do to ensure you do see and feel. Those things that feel it not are of themselves. Wrapped up in all that they are and thinking that is all that they are. These sad and naïve entities look only in the realm they sense and see and only look with the limitations of that form of energy that is their base. Some do try and see what is available for all to see. Some peek at the vista of other realms. Some see only more of their own realm but at least they look. Most see but run from what they see for they think it not true. Most feel this is far beyond what they are and what they can handle. At that moment, they blind themselves. That begins their death. Without growth, there is not life. There is only existence. To only exist is the death of hope and joy.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Keep your hands off Genesis. It is mine. It is ours. I need it and you have no right to mess with it. It is written in stone. I heard it as a child and believe just as I did then. It is where we started. Where I started. Where it all started. It is about Paradise and creation and earth and God and so much more. I feel the heaven that was Eden. Feel it lost. Feel it there just out of reach. I understand the temptation and weakness. All for an apple. All from some snake. One bite and all things would have been different. It helps me realize we are born missing it. Missing what was ours. Missing what we had and what was gifted to us so that everything would be alright all the time. Leave it alone! It is Genesis for Christ’s sake! It is in the Bible! It is Holy and written and is the started point before the floods and plagues and babbling, begetting, and screwing things up so bad that Jesus had to come and die so we remembered. Genesis starts it all. Leave it alone. I ain’t sure of the ending. At least let me be sure of the beginning. Back when things were paradise. Back before we could even write. Before we even had to write. Back when we were all good and there was enough for all of us. Even if all of us was only two. Only two. Comfortable. Naked. Warm. Then we had to eat the apple. We just had to mess it all up. We just had to have things our way. We just had to want more than we had. Leave Genesis alone. Haven’t we messed things up enough? Let me have my bible stories. Leave my Eden alone! You weren’t even there, monkey people. You came from someplace else remember? Leave my roots alone! They aren’t even yours. You don’t have roots. You have tadpoles and fish and e-volution. You evolved. I was created. Leave my creation alone!

Mabon 8

See the assembling. Sense the ascension to place and power. Tribe and herd become true to the Truth of themselves. This is the SOURCE at work. In the regimes since what was lost and taken, the wrongs ones ruled. This was based on self driven purposes or collective actions of weaker beings that bullied in numbers. Shame on them for doing it. Greater shame of those that should not have permitted it.

As the SOURCE emerges, smarter followers see the change and accept their place as part of what becomes. The tribe forms at the top as the rulers rise to the guidance and controls of all. The tribe also forms as the middle with those that do for and with the rulers. The tribe forms at the bottom with herd fully yoked and harnessed.

The place in tribe is for the flow of power up to enable the rulers and the flow of guidance and controls down to protect and reward the followers and the herd. Those at the bottom are as important to the success as are those at the top. Those in the middle are as important as those above and those yoked so tightly. This is about All. All is the key. Each in place. Each accepting the place of all for the value and linkage that place gives to the Tribe and each member of it. Linkage of kindred to SOURCE.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Mabon 7

The energy of the sun and the moon return to flow forth with the harvest. The things unseen are more powerful when returned to the light. If the right things. Other things that return to the light from the dark wither in the intensity of the sun. The tribe moves closer, linked by what they are and what they have. Community of rulers, servers, and seekers. Those associated with the SOURCE are there by the linkage. Any included that are true to self and SOURCE. Few able to remain true to that but that is the selection process that is and always will be. Many are called. Some dare to answer the call. Most deny the call and settle for the seen. The few that are chosen will be chosen well.

There is strength in tribe and herd. Strength that improves each in it. Strength that feeds the joy of what comes to those that prepare and accept it.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Wake Up Call (Recycled)

Woke up and now its tomorrow.

Wonder when it all got this way.

Woke up and felt all the sorrows.

Did we do and did we just say?

Why did we sleep?

Do you still weep?

Did the world ever stop needing saving?

We felt and we cried out in sorrow.

We ached and cared with our souls.

We protested and handed out flowers.

We questioned the things we were told.

Why did we sleep?

Do you still weep?

Did the world ever stop needing saving?

Does your heart still know of passion?

Can you do what needs to be done?

The clock ticks faster than ever.

Were the flowers merely for fun?

Why did we sleep?

Do you still weep?

Did the world ever stop needing saving?

Look around and see what has happened.

Feel what has come to the door.

Live like we care for tomorrow.

Come on. Let’s go save the world.

Why did we sleep?

Do you still weep?

Did the world ever stop needing saving?

Mabon 6

Signs everywhere for All to see. Winds howl. The sun goes dark. The moon as well. Tempers flare at injustices too long permitted. Simmering becomes boiling and heats the action of linking with kindred. The superficial finally falls away and essentials become clear. Action is the key. Action with purpose and belief. As the sun and moon return from darkness, preparation has passed.

Look to the tribe and the foundation that is laid. Look to the herd and the stalwart beasts assembling in full offering. Hear the voice from within that roars in the joy of purpose and re-birth. This is your time. Make it so.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Weema Wept (Recycled)

Pop goes our Jesus. Crossing the road. Playing chicken on dem bones. Hambone, Hambone, have you heard? Heard the news tonight. Bad moon rising. Rising star. Rising to the occasion. Rose by any other name. Thorny issues from good books masking bad men with itchy fingers and dirty minds. Touching without feeling, feeling up, and pushing down. Denial. Press conference to address the issues. Stamp your feet. Postage due. Do not bend, fold, or mutilate. Spindle me this, my inquisitive friend. Who pays the piper when the piper blows smoke up your ass? Ring me up for church on Sunday. Cock a doodle did. For whom does the bell toll? Ding Dong. Avon calling. No ticky-no shirty. Ring around the collars. Pay as you exit. No need to panic. Move along, folks. Shows over. The next service will be somewhere else. Coming to a theater near you. See you soon. Save me a seat. Let’s wait for the DVD. Someone said something about it but I will judge for myself. Here comes the judge. Supreme pizzas and supreme courts. Hot peppers and hot topics. Under them robes are more robes and under those robes is something that should behind the curtain. In a box. Big deal. A really big deal. Put that in Double Jeopardy, place your bets, give me the hard ways, and cover the horn. Ain’t that one hell of a tune? I can name than tune in Cliff Notes. Cheat sheets. Cheating death. Death and taxes. Render unto Caesar. God only knows. Come up and see me some time. Pop in any time. This is where I came in. Shimmy, shimmy, coco puff. Shimmy, shimmy now. Now is the time for all good men. That’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me whatever your name really is. My god is bigger than your god but I still have a hard time dotting the i. Crosses are T’s. Tea for two. At three. For three. Thirty-Three and a third. Maybe a fifth. No more than a quart. Is that a deposit bottle? Do they still make those? No Deposit, No Return. Look who’s back. Surprise. Hi there, Pop. Fool on the Hill. Sees the world spinning round. Round. Round. Get around. I get Around. Gather round, boys and girls. Pop goes our Jesus.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Word (Recycled)

He handed me some words and said not to mess them up.

I looked at the Bible but it kinda just lay there laughing.

In the mountains there were wonders and sounds.

The pack had room for a knife and a compass and a snack.

When I came back, the words increased along with my tears.

Into the desert with some water, sunscreen, and prayers.

The moon dance freed something and I slept.

My dreams turned to weapons and mourning came early.

Somewhere is calling and here we stand.

How many of you are there?

So many questions not to be asked.

Water tastes funny and I try not to laugh.

Change floods the floor boards of things gone past.

Fun house pranksters goose step by and buy and bye.

Solitary come fine, man. Further from zero and closer to one.

I can name that tomb. Roll the rock away.

What For? (Recycled)

In the playground of my mind, I recess, review, receive, and recline.

Sleeping longer is sometimes better, sometimes not, nor, now, or non.

Opened to changes about self, and soul, and sales, and solos.

Walking or riding to places known, unknown, renown, and even bemoaned.

Such are the inner stirrings as I stew, brew, coo, and do.

The man and the boy and the slave greet, meet, beat, and treat.

Words flow of their own accord in poem, roam, dome, and home.

Thoughts erode routines of schedules, appointments, meetings, and agendas.

Energy surges from out there to in here, be here, clean here, and change here.

The stacks are askew as choices are of self, service, slave, and succor.

Time drifts on the breezes of change, challenge, chance, and chants.

This is my existence since the man, the sands, the hands, and the change in plans.

Mabon 5

Paths open now. Paths paved by others that laid in wait for you and yours. Paths you will light for those drawing to you even now and others from tribe and herd that see the first flicker of your flame. The harvest will be literal soon as many are drawn to you and your magnet.

Doors open as well. Doors to the abundance that will be needed for the changes that you see underway already and changes you can not begin to even suspect but that will be handled superbly when the time comes.

Doors and Paths of tribe and herd that you are now ready to open and take as yours. The changes are as significant as you think and will be even more far reaching than you expect. The little signs are there each moment. The bigger ones as well but you have not connected the two fully. What begins in each of the tribe and herd reaches far into the globe and then forth into the cosmos. You are just you but you are also All.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Word Man (Recycled)

On the cusp of darkness, music touched me with light.

Songs shared save souls thought lost and hopeless.

My words are my lyrics and I shall sing loud and long.

Words and music, Eddie. Words and Music.

I am the Wordman. You be the Walrus.

Let’s dance in the fire of change that lights the darkness.

Let’s sing while we slay the dragons that heard our silence.

My sword is in my hand, you carry the tune.

The song on my lips is the music of life.

Kiss me with the melody of Kindred Spirits and Common Sense.

Sonatas and Cantatas and Sing along with Mitch.

This Choir of Angels is not to be missed.

Mabon 4

Never and Always do not exist. These are terms of men and ring false. Always is never right and never is always wrong. The only absolute is Eternity and the SOURCE that has been, is, and continues to be. The SOURCE crosses time and space. The concept of never and always relate to man’s definition of time and that definition is a feeble attempt to define and thus confine and control what will not be confined and controlled.

See beyond the limitations of never and always and feel eternity. That is where you have been and can be again. It was given, then given away, and can be given again. Reach inside to the depths and thus soar outside to the far reaches.