Friday, December 31, 2010

About Time (Happy New Year)

The clock speaks less.

Time is more in my hands.

What is done when moves behind what is done.

Up at such and such.

Sleep at such and such.

Less and less than such and such.

The flow schedules itself.

Fluid movement just in time.

Eating what feels right when hungry nourishes.

Now happens between what just happened and what will happen.

Does anyone really know what time it is?

Can we be late when we are right where we need to be?

How important is exactness in the scheme of things?

Do you take the time or give it away banking on tomorrow?

Hitler ensured the trains ran on schedule and moved dark secrets very effectively.

Stress is free with the price of your ticket to the big show of commence.

Rolex ‘em if you’ve got ‘em.

Timex marks the liver spots.

A sweep second hand. My Kingdom for a sweep second hand.

Meant to.

Should have.

Would have.

Could have.

If I had known.

If I had it to do over.

If I had a second chance.

If I had known.

Happiness is now, later is the ultimate unknown.

Time is on my side.

I am the no man it waits for.

It is measured in cycles of light and dark and warm and cold.

A few Winters we have and this is just after one and maybe before another.

Time is a second away from forever.

Sloppy seconds make for minute lives.

Sundials, Hourglasses, Egg Timers, and Mickey’s hands.

Time is in the moments.

Here is my kiss with Twelve o’clock high hands.

Marking this moment forever.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Yule 6

The Yule is of children. All children. That is why all crave Yule for all seek the child they were and always would be. Look inside of yourself and see the child that you were in the fourth and fifth year. This is your own child of Yule. This is the child that shapes what you long to be. This is the child that defines what makes you happy and how you see the world and those in it. This is the child that must be fully known for you to live your destiny.

The time between then and now was the journey to destiny. To gather resources. Knowledge. Skills. Understanding. Then to return to a place where that child can be brought forth again and use all that was learned on the journey to live its destiny.

That is why we crave Yule so much. The child cries in wonder if this is season that it will come forth and live as it did when in the fourth and fifth year yet use all it knows. For many cycles, there is a glimmer of hope but then the journey moves the child forth into the world again. The true Yule is the one where you complete the circle and live your destiny as sure, as safe, as free, and as happy as you were when in the fourth and fifth year of this realm.

Look hard at the what, who, where, how of that when and see the answers that have screamed at you for so long. Find Those that understand this and present in trust. Yule then is forever.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Yule 5

A rose in the snow draws the attention of all around since it seems out of place. That one rose will draw more to it than the field of roses in spring for the field is lovely but also right as and where it should be. Merely another aspect of the wonders of spring that blends so beautifully with millions of other wonders common to that time. Common things in uncommon settings or different times become wondrous.

Yule 5

A rose in the snow draws the attention of all around since it seems out of place. That one rose will draw more to it than the field of roses in spring for the field is lovely but also right as and where it should be. Merely another aspect of the wonders of spring that blends so beautifully with millions of other wonders common to that time. Common things in uncommon settings or different times become wondrous.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Yule 4

Pack not this Yule away in a box. Take it inside your heart and carry it forth so that Yule shapes each of the seasons that follow. Yule is the key to open the door to your own happiness as you connect to those that move far beyond the gift of now. Link to those that know of you and your gifts. Each act then multiplies and more will hope to feel the energy of Yule that you live each day.

Celebrate each season but shape each celebration with the Yule truth that giving of self is the greatest gift….to others and to the givers as well. Give and see the ten-fold return. Then give again. Then again. Yule fuel ignites flames of passion and belief. In self and in hope of what you can do. Yule is the gateway to destiny.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Yule 3

Look at the day that was designated as the right one and see what remains even just moments after. The joy in the preparation was but for a moment in the joy in the opening and then there was relief. Yes, there are exceptions when gifts meet needs and show the consideration of the giver to the receiver. Yet, far too much was expended for moments of smiles sandwiched between the stress of the preparation and the impact of the aftermath. Yet this is done each time and then vowed to be corrected with a resolve that fades quicker than the pine needles on a dying tree.

The joy of Yule should be deep and long as the love from a parent to a child. Yule is the key to linking what is needed here to what is possible there. Giving of self in unconditional love is the magick that moves you from mere giver to one that makes a difference. This can not be bought with coin of this realm for it must be purchased within yourself with the gift you were given as you use that gift to help others. This is not of one day but of everyday. Yule should drive you through the cycle of all time. Let this be the day that happens so that tomorrow and tomorrow’s tomorrow is as joyous as any Yule and as every Yule should be.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Yule 2

Let this Yule link with what others call it. Let it link to Christmas, Chanukah, Kwanza, Ramadan, Festivfus, Equinox, and dozens of other names that are commonly themed to the truest Yule. The Yule that asks the truest question of the truth of all of these days. “What did you give for Christmas?” It is time to take back this holiday from the money changers just as the one for which it is named took back the temple in a very human rampage against the wrong message in anyone’s name.

Christmas. Joy. Giving. Love. Peace. Who picked that this is but one day? A season to brighten but one month and then be packed away for 11 months? Who?

Learn that giving is all the time. Learn that the more you sacrifice to and for others, the more you have. Lead by example in this each and every day. Move to those that link what you do this day to what will be remembered of you long after you are of another existence. Let this Yule be the one that opened you to ultimate gift you can give to others. Give yourself and all you are so that others will taste the intensity of your love for all humanity.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


The return of the light. Solstice..when the darkest time comes and we mark the return to light. It comes in the coldest time and celebrates the warmth. Celebrated with the fire of the Yule log as well as the green of the Holly leave, this is the time to know the coldest time has gone and we come back to the light.

Yule has be claimed by many. Many of its traditions rolled into other traditions and then those into other traditions. It is all that it was and more thanks to this synergy that spread it wider and further in what is felt and loved about Yule. Embrace what you have learned to the best of all things this time of year and spice it with the seasoning of your gifts that are to be shared with the world.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Samhain 32

Samhain draws to a close. On the Eve of the Solstice, those connected, and those connecting, to the SOURCE are drawn to reflection and processing. A quieter time that is full with the noise of acceptance and adjustment. The land goes to rest under the mantle of white even if only in memory or fantasy. Drawn inwards. Time to rest. Time to celebrate. Time to do both.

The changes are many. That will not stop for the fortunate. Change is growth. For those connecting, this is a time of birth. Inner birth. Of the new self.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Samhain 31

The linkage to the SOURCE is the purest of energy and will not be understood until tasted truly. There is a life force akin to the blood in the veins that is known in the physical of this realm. Akin since that is the closest example that can be processed by those that taste of it for the first time.

It flows to them and waits until they learn to feed. Once they open to feeding, the hunger opens them wider and wider. Just as the nursing infant opens and suckles each time the hunger causes need.

This life force is the blood of the metaphysical. Bringing life to what was in a stasis of sorts……laying in wait for awareness and guidance. Most of this realm sense that metaphysical but know not how to bring true life to it. Those of the herd move to the SOURCE more and more once they see that is the feeding SOURCE of this sweet Energy. The SOURCE itself feeds in a fashion as well but not in a way herd would understand but rest assured the SOURCE feels the growth.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Samhain 30

The joy of gathering will help each. Things of old. Things of new. Shifts in what was and who was as well as who will be and what they will be. Be open to it and welcome it with the sweet innocence of acceptance. That special place is very real. It is also not just a place to visit but to remain even while here and that is the key to understanding yourself. Once you see that there and here are both of you and you of them, move to those that understand that. Then settle into your place in joy and thrust forward to your destiny.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Samhain 29

Embrace the memories the flow as this special time. These memories are part of the now in how they shaped and these memories are part of what comes as sure as everything about you is part of what you become. The child that was never left and should not be forgotten.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Samhain 28

Run to it. Run with abandon and glee. The feet will fly with confidence and the heart will sing with bliss. Feel how much you are understood and loved. Feel how much they want you to feel the joy. Patience has been the investment and joy is the reward.

This is a time for the children in each of the herd. Inside each is the child and that child is not gone nor will that child ever be gone. That child is different for it has been re-born as what it is. That brings all it was and so very, very much more. There is a wish of knowing then what you know now and, for the child within each of the herd, that wish comes true at Yule.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Samhain 27

Share and do and then repeat as necessary. Do and share and then repeat as necessary. Sometimes just do. Variation is the spice of life.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Samhain 26

Mending can be slow when injuries are deep. However slow, the pain will lessen if the focus is on healing and accepting the injury as passed. The Energy of healing is from all and to all. Feel not alone in your suffering for once of the tribe and the herd, you are never alone. You are only alone when you choose to be and you are the only one that can make that choice based on your actions or your inactions. Choose wisely so that the healing quickens.

Samhain 25

Work in trust that the rewards will come. The labors grow harder and that consumes much of the time where the sweetness would be savored but fear not for the joy of the physical and emotional comes soon. Let the harness dig deeper when the labors are at the most intense for the tending and keeping will be in direct proportion to the intensity of the work.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Samhain 24

In the heavens are answers. Sit and look there. Feel the calling of the vastness. Let the crisp of the cool and the now embrace this vessel and journey there. Alone in a solace that is so needed at times. Be in a quiet spot but not a silent spot. Let the wind whisper on your ear. Let the fire crackle randomly to spark and flare your reflections. This is true on the darkest and coldest times, inside and out.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Samhain 23

Link what you are to what you become for all that came before was preparation. This does not mean to keep all that you were for some would slow or even anchor you. Bring forth the strong and the good. Leave the rest behind with thanks for having made you what you are.

All of the past, the good and the bad, will be honored in that fashion. All to come will be bettered in that same fashion. Bring forward what can be salvaged and is in good stead. Leave the wreckage behind in tribute to the survival that moves you to health and happiness. The view from the wreckage will not change. Go forth to the beauty.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Samhain 22

Choose wisely how and who you help. Many will seek your assistance. The energy of the Feminine and the SOURCE will draw them to you. Some seeking what you are part of. Some seeking part of you. Be wise while also judicious as you dispense your help.

Helping others heal is wise. Trying to heal others is not only unwise but impossible. Helping others work their issues and problems is humane. Taking responsibility for other’s issues and problems is inhumane. Help the seekers find. Do not help the takers take.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Samhain 21

What is measured, improves. What is measured and reported, improves exponentially. That is key to the control of anything. Tracking something is good unto itself. Reporting and taking actions on those reports is good stewardship and results in a higher return on all investment. There is the beginning of that now and, as it increases, there will dramatic changes.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Samhain 20

The shifts show the ebb and the flow of the river of change. There were things that were sought and given that now ease back to what was but what was is different. What makes the feeling that return to what was is different? That is transformation. Just as something common tastes different once away from it for a while.

There is irony in that returning to what was and variations of what was reinforces how much you and yours have changed. Testimony to the wonder of conditioning, accepting, and control. Growth embodied.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Samhain 19

Productivity grows as the herd accepts the trust of the rulers. This is crucial for slaves are such special creatures. Giving so freely of everything they are and everything they have. It is sad that the word slave was used to describe forced servitude and led to such atrocities and abuse. True slavery is a calling. To place all in the hands of insightful, caring, and loving rulers is a trust only a few dare to live and even fewer dare to accept. Slaves accept the danger of hurt and abuse and do so in the ultimate hope that the rulers are true to the beauty of the calling of slavery. Those of the herd will be in the hands of the tribe and the tribe ensures their herd is used wisely, well, and often.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Samhain 18

See the wonders that touch all as the Energy breaks through and moves all to new levels. As the herd moves in trust, it begins to understand that expectations are actually limitations for the unaware seek to shape things to expectations. As the herd questions less by definitions that no longer apply, it is taken to places that reinforce the magnitude and power of what comes to each of them. As the herd sees through its new eyes, it pulls forward eagerly for each wants to be in place and not be left behind.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Samhain 17

The right choices will not always be the easiest ones. This is when the strength of trust will be essential for each. This is when that very trust is tested but with each test the trust will be even stronger. The weakness will surface and look for the easier path but do not succumb to the weakness for that will only delay the inevitable. These are not easy things. These are not joyous things. These are right things. The pain will pass. The trust in the SOURCE, those of the SOURCE, and with the SOURCE will sustain tribe and herd.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Samhain 16

The changes are fast and furious now. There is an edge to things and that edge shows only sharpening in the future. There is a decisiveness that shows the gathering storm of action. The herd ran into the woods and hid for a bit. Filled with questions and doubt thought long gone. The herd licked its wounds and wallowed in self pity with even the sight of the path lost. The herd longed and longs now exposed in those longings.

Now it is to be placed back to work and shown the path under its new condition. The absolute lack of control craved now and forever. The SOURCE eased it back from hiding where it hid from self only. The herd is exposed and named new now. Prepared for what it thinks is coming. Shown it underestimates and follows only now.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Samhain 15

Those of herd and tribe will at times taste loneliness. It will feel as punishment and the sting of discipline. The beasts accept this as sure as judgment of the SOURCE. This reminds all of place as well as need. In darkness and cold, fears are faced and the depth of slavery and calling are shown. Capable beasts of burden move to that slavery with new respect for the SOURCE. This is the Power of the Feminine unleashed. This is the energy of the SOURCE. This is the new reality.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Samhain 14

The energy of the SOURCE pushed through the darkness and showed another the joy of insight. The sweetness of connecting to SOURCE and moving to place was as if a celebration of Sabbath. Riding the drum beat to dreamscape of scenes and images made clearer in review. Images of and from the Feminine as tribe and herd shined through distinctly and fueled the appetite and belief of another seeker.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Samhain 13

Service is a journey and the herd journeys forth. Facing things unexpected. Addressing inner fears in new ways. The bumps in the path jostle and toss as sure as boulders and ditches. That is the nature of movement. When the pain erupts from within, there is no hiding for the agony is where ever the beast is. Labors numb the hurt as time heals. The tribe will know more of their herd after the treatment and the beasts will be better harnessed and yoked. The connection will be even stronger for those that pass through the pain.

Mad as a Hatter (Recycled)

Open a can of dog food and feed it to the cat.

Dance in your pajamas and sleep in a top hat.

Have breakfast for dinner and cereal for lunch.

Save while you still borrow and spend before you have.

Smile while you panic and tell the world you’re glad.

Bizzaro is real easy, truth is fucking hard.