Saturday, December 24, 2011

Up, Up, and Away

My Grandson Luke has an S on his chest. I put it there. Silly me. Having a Halloween moment on his Christmas Eve birthday. Up, Up, and Away. I have my towel cape on as I pen this. Folks that know this family understand the significance of towel capes. Pictures of all of us, the kids that is, parading the neighborhood in our capes on the 4th of July show the tradition. A tradition with roots from long ago.

Superman rocks. That is why the towel capes. There are lots of superheroes. For me, there is one that leads the pack. (The Justice League in the case of superheroes.) The Man Of Steel. “Faster than a speeding bullet. More powerful than a locomotive. Able to leap tall buildings in a single bound. Look! Up in the sky…..” You finish it. I suspect many of you can. Superman is my man when it comes truth, justice, and an American way that needs to move from yesteryear to today for the sake of tomorrow.

When playing as a kid, we played Cowboys and Indians and I was always Roy Rogers. When we played Army, it was to hold us over until we played Cowboys and Indians again. The other thing we played was superheroes. I was Superman. Mostly alone since almost all the boys wanted to be Superman and there was only one. (Well, except for Bizarro Superman, the mad scientist that had that potion that changed him into Superman’s double, Superman’s long lost twin from Action Comics Number what ever number that was that turned out to be a dream sequence for Lana Lang back when Superman was Superboy in Smallville, and….okay there was more than one Superman but only one in my back yard at a time.) So I donned the cape, survived kryptonite chains, saved Lois from bondage, put out the fire in the Empire State Building, and still made it home for another “here eat what is put in front of you” dinner at the Van Wagner Household. Easy, peasy. After all, I was Superman.

Now, Luke has an S on his chest and he flies circles around his Pop-Pop. Hey, I am 58 and real close to 59 years old, am nursing some weird going on with my left knee, and figured it was time let him be the main attraction. (Just for a bit. This cape on my back is urging me to fly too.)

Fly, kiddo. I smile as you smile back. Feel the strength of my imagination. What I imagine is real. What I love flies and plays and is so full of joy that limits only exist in comic books. I held you in my hands but a few minutes this time last year. Now, I hold you in heart forever. Fly, kiddo. I’ll be with you and we’ll save this planet and any planet that needs saving. Life is sweeter because you were here.

Happy Birthday, Luke.

Love Pop-Pop

Friday, December 23, 2011

Thanks, Jesus

Thanks for the nice Solstice, Jesus. I am going to have birthday cake tonight in your honor and wish your peace on everyone. Still riding the energy of time with you. Might as well extend the celebration. Seems fitting. Last night was much needed, my friend. Your company does good things inside of me. Just like when I was a kid. Sweet and innocent things. Solstice is sweet and innocent to me. Kinda like Christmas use to be. Like Christmas is supposed to be. Like you are. You have a spark, dude.

I like that spark. The warmth that embraced the kid in me and hugs the adult. Jesus and me. Quite the pair. I dig it. Your birthday is special. Use to be the best day of the year. Wish I could say it was because of you but it was the other stuff. Even when I was a kid, you kinda got lost in the shuffle. The other stuff was so damn good. The flood of gifts. A sense of abundance. All is right with the world moments that made sleep more difficult. Excitement of the coming that overwhelmed everything. Even you. We meant well. We just fa-la-la’ed to the point of oo-la-la.

Had to wrap things. Spruce them up. Decorate them with lights and tinsel. It was time to be shiny and new. The season of sparkle. Somewhere along the way, the lights overshadowed you, Jesus. You were a footnote we remembered when we had time. There was you and a whole mess of other stuff that was more exciting. More urgent. Santa trumped you in stores, TV shows, decorations, press releases, and sheer volume. I tasted it as a kid and got kinda addicted. Alright, I got way addicted. The season shifted back when I was little. It was about waking up to tons of stuff.

There was also reverence. A special reverence that even the kid in me knew was really what you wanted me to feel. The reverence of Silent Night, Holy Night. The quiet sacredness of a single white Christmas light over the Nativity set that was Mom and Dad’s back then and is mine forever. It was as simple as simple gets. A few pieces of wood put together with some finishing nails that had to be reminded of their job each year. That was “the” manger for me. I felt you more there than in any church at any time. It makes me smile. I know you chuckled when that little me brought weeds from the Dodd’s yard and called it hay to make the ceramic you more comfortable. Even the youthful me knew my solo versions of Silent Night confirmed my emotions were richer and sweeter than my singing voice. That is still the case. So I sing in words and call it my song. I sing more publicly to you now.

Back then, I got caught up in the receiving. Still do at times. Hey, I like receiving. I just understand how much I already have much better now. It was and is in the giving that I feel you. When the gifts are from my soul. That is your message, my friend. Give. Give your best. Share your gifts and have more in the sharing.

Yesterday, there were hints of that. Much needed hints. I was present for those that reached and shared. My time was put to use…..for others. They knew they were heard. I sensed they were comforted and that gift was felt. It was Solstice. The appreciation for the abundance that is life. Simple peace and everyday magic.

Solstice is that peace and magic for me. It feels like crystal clear white lights on a stunning tree under a moonlit sky on a mantle on white. It is out there anytime I reach for it. Hey, that’s kinda like you, ain’t it? Last night had that image AND you. The feel of winter and the irony that winter begins the return to light. Solstice is pure…….like you and your message. Solstice is a Temple of my own making. A bright and shiny Temple.

The moneychangers have been banished from this Temple. Pushed three days hence. Three days. How fitting. Now it is time for you and what your birth means. You are the message of Solstice for me, Jesus.

Shiny and new. Special. Loved by that Force that creates this beauty that is life. Loved into life, throughout life, and well beyond whatever we understand as life even at the best of our most joyous imagination. To know we do fly on wings that carry us across time and space. We are the magic of love. We are blessed children. We are Peace on Earth. There is magic afoot this night. Feel it from a manger. See it in a child’s eyes. Dance on the wind of its sweet change. This is Solstice. This is you.

This is the way you kissed me as a child, Jesus. Nice that you walk with me now. Thanks for celebrating Solstice with me. Tonight let’s light the candles and call it your birthday. Yeah, I know what the calendar says. I will celebrate your birth anytime I choose and I choose tonight. Will celebrate again on that day when the gifts are opened. You are bigger than one day. We all are.

Happy Birthday. Thanks for the swell gift, man.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Yule shifts to Imbolc

The return of the light. Solstice..when the darkest time comes and we mark the return to light. It comes in the coldest time and celebrates the warmth. Celebrated with the fire of the Yule log as well as the green of the Holly leave, this is the time to know the coldest time has gone and we come back to the light.

Yule has be claimed by many. Many of its traditions rolled into other traditions and then those into other traditions. It is all that it was and more thanks to this synergy that spread it wider and further in what is felt and loved about Yule. Embrace what you have learned to the best of all things this time of year and spice it with the seasoning of your gifts that are to be shared with the world.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Samhain 24

In the heavens are answers. Sit and look there. Feel the calling of the vastness. Let the crisp of the cool and the now embrace this vessel and journey there. Alone in a solace that is so needed at times. Be in a quiet spot but not a silent spot. Let the wind whisper on your ear. Let the fire crackle randomly to spark and flare your reflections. This is true on the darkest and coldest times, inside and out.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Blue Christmas

(An excerpt from "Jersey Sure"....a gift for you. Laugh. It is that time of year too.)

Blue Christmas

(The tin foil tree and a hazard to navigation)

My mother had a somewhat bizarre idea of class. Class was blue. Why blue? We never really unraveled her thought process, or lack thereof, on this unique perspective. Largely because we were afraid to ask. All part of our survival instinct. But to this frustrated Contessa, class had a color and she wanted it. She tolerated her lack of public recognition for eleven months but decided this Christmas was the opportunity to show the entire world how dignified she truly was. In a universe of middle class and lower, she placed her nose firmly in the air and proceeded to infuse our lowly existence with haute de culture.

Her mania completely disrupted our sense of Christmas. For although we did not understand how class could have a color and why that color was blue, we knew Christmas did have a color. In fact, it had two colors. Red and green. Along with multi-color lights and tacky decorations. This was a season with a look of distinction. One my mother decided to alter. My sister and I sensed impending doom. We looked to our father to intervene. He knew Katie longer than we did. He was our only hope to slow her assault. But, he knew Katie longer than we did. He saw the impending doom for what it was. A force of nature beyond his control. Wordlessly, he shrugged his shoulders and watched as Katie recreated Christmas in her warped idea of upper crust. The other members of the house mere victims along for the ride on a holiday highjack.

She headed for ground zero in her Yuletide Blitzkrieg. The tree itself. Our tin bells were ready to grace the room with angel's wings. The brass Santas nestled in a box, actually crammed, but that image seemed unfit for such a hero, laid in wait for another year with a hook through their heads in hope to once again dangle in glee. Our tree top angel waited patiently to be volted to life. All in vain. For Katie targeted the tree and all its trimmings for replacement. The new dictator of the season decided to go artificial.

The science of artificial tree making was not quite perfected. Perhaps someday it would be. Someday, the fake pines and fur may become things of beauty, accepted by people as safer, easier, and equally pretty. Although there would most likely always be purists who claimed fake seedlings of any shape or size defiled the very concept of the Holiday, artificial trees may someday evolve to an acceptable substitute for the real things. Perhaps. But not yet. We committed to putting a man on the moon by the end of the decade. Maybe artificial trees would someday be beautiful. Not yet though. Technology did not equal that challenge. The moon shot thing looked a lot more likely than a nice, fake, Christmas tree.

Artificial trees looked, well artificial. And that put it kindly. These bastardizations were basically a bunch of green pipe cleaners stuck in the corner. Most people waited to see if science could do something nice as time moved on, Christmas tree wise. Not Mom. During what was clearly the Stone Age of artificial trees, my mother decided to jump on board. We squealed like stuck pigs when she announced her edict. Even my father gingerly voiced protest. This woman on a mission assured us the tree would not be a bunch of pipe cleaners but a thing of rare beauty. Besides she wanted it. What else did she ask for in life? Everyday she went to work, and finally she asked for one thing......Somewhere, as this verbal guilt trip headed into eternity, we lost all sense of time. Her verbal erosion ate away our dam of resistance. We surrendered. We do not know who caved in first. Probably my father, for a winter of nights on the couch loomed with his resistance. It may have been my sister, and it could have even been me. The pain blurred the exact sequence. One by one, we each cried Uncle and resigned ourselves to the tyranny of an artificial tree.

But my mother was not heartless. At least not completely and totally heartless. For she kept her word that the tree would not be a mere collection of pipe cleaners. She selected what qualified as a thing of beauty in her eyes.

It came in a box. Roughly 4 foot long, and two feet wide and deep. My sister and I gasped in wonder at it. Perhaps there was wonder in this technology. For how did they stuff an entire tree in that small box? Did it expand? Was it inflatable? My mother smiled at our naiveté' about this state of the art of invention. She explained it to us like a science teacher describing space travel to a retard. The box held a six-foot tree unlike anything we have ever seen, she spoke slowly so we could grasp our luck at being selected as part of this adventure. It had to be assembled. She waited for our oohs and aahs. She never got them. We were a lot closer to boos and hisses.

I was picked as the one to open it. Slowly, I folded back the lid but cleverly bent my torso to avoid the inevitable branch in the eye when the tree sprang forth from the box like a gag snake. But it did not spring forth. With great trepidation, I peered inside the container and saw a cardboard honeycomb. There was no tree. Only some metal spikes stuffed into each opening in the honeycomb.

Helpless to resist the magnetism of the box, all four of us gathered around it like witnesses at the first alien encounter. A strange visitor from another dimension had invaded our Christmas. Our small corner of the universe was forever changed. Three of us looked at the traitor who invited this intergalactic intruder. She was there, with the eyes of a little girl who'd gotten exactly what she wanted for Christmas. It was actually quite cute. This woman who refused to miss a day of work except for an all too rare bus ride to the City and who accepted far less monetary wealth in life than she deserved, was transformed. She had the face of a youth and a smile of satisfaction seldom seen. Her awe was a thing of beauty. It was the only thing that kept the three of us from ripping her eyes out. That and the prospect of jail time. Unless, of course, we knew prison had real Christmas trees.

The tree building began as the first branch was removed from the honeycomb. Christmas destruction began as well. For the branch was silver. We were stunned. Katie was ecstatic. Ironically, our diverse reactions were for exactly the same reason. No one had a silver tree. No one even had heard of a silver tree. This was the first of its kind anywhere in existence until that very moment. It was unprecedented. It was unparalleled. People would talk. They would spread the word of it throughout the neighborhood. This silver tree would be the major focus of discussion all across our social circle. Katie saw it immediately. So did we. She basked in glory. We looked for ways to slash our wrists, contemplated putting ourselves up for adoption, and simultaneously considered life as hobos.

The afternoon became an odyssey of the unexpected. We never before knew the importance of twirling countless times as we eased the branches from the hive. We learned the concept of color-coded branches as the holey stick in the corner filled with tinsel like appendages. The object took shape. Perfectly even on each level as the length of the branches shortened to the top. The designers cleverly left the trunk of their creation in two pieces for ease of assembly. It prevented reaching over the bottom branches to place the upper ones in their predetermined holes. The result was half a tree in the stand, seemingly aborted at mid trunk, and a smaller tree on the floor, listing helplessly on its side. My father and I gently placed the two together to complete the job and stood back to see the creation.

My mother was true to her word. It did not look like pipe cleaners in the corner. Instead, we owned the first ever tree made from aluminum foil. This was not a Christmas tree. It was the off-spring from an ill-conceived romance between a TV antenna and a lightning rod. My father, sister, and I starred at it, wondering what could be worse. My mother showed us with more surprises from her Christmas mutation.

It was time to decorate this festive folly. But aluminum did not lend itself to lights. While that streamlined the decorating process, a Christmas tree without lights was, well, not quite a Christmas tree. Our innocent pleading for strands of bright bulbs met righteous indignation. My mother knew it was inherently unsafe. It said so on the directions. It would kill us all. Three of us seriously considered doing it anyway.

She cast aside our request for lights and told us to get the decorations. At last, we saw a glimmer of hope. We could hang onto our past glories with balls and trinkets of yore. But Katie ended that prospect quickly. For a new tree deserved new decorations. We opened them with intentions of salvaging some seasonal glee.

But there must have been some mistake. For all the decorations were exactly the same. Blue Balls. Same size. Same color. Not a variation in the lot. We looked to her. We knew again without words. It was not a mistake. Not by her standards at least. Our aluminum foil tree would be festooned with class. The class of color. Blue Balls. With faces more in shock than celebration, we hung our heads as we hung the ornaments. Each year, during the tree decorating, my heart had music in it. This year was no exception. But this year it was a dirge. We finished the job. A scene more Hitchcock than Capra. Helpless victims, we eyed the thing in the corner. Sought the appeal. Missed it.

My sister looked at me. Me at her. Both at our father. Was this a nightmare? Was this really happening? My mother felt the joy as if an out of body experience. We equated it more to out of her mind. But she was not done.

For the silver tree needed color. She introduced us to another innovation. The Reflector. We eyed this plastic globe with fear and question. It was red. It held a light bulb. It had a plastic wheel that rotated with three colors on it, red, green, and sort of a putrid orange. The artificial tree designers devised a concept that turned a silver tree into different colors with the wonder of light alone. At least, that was their plan.

The Reflector moved through its limited color spectrum and cast light on the silver embarrassment that occupied the corner of our living room. The silver tree first hosted a green hue. The motor of the reflector filled the awkward silence, and the tree transformed to silver with hints of a yellow-orange not common to anything in nature. We watched as technology gone amok changed the tree to something reddish. My mother was amazed. So were my sister, father, and I. Amazed that one single tree could be ugly in three different colors.

Our only hope of reducing public humiliation laid in keeping this tree from view. It would be difficult. It was placed in the corner of the room facing Main Street. The windows on each side highlighted its existence to any passers-by. This was intentional in years passed. But in years passed, we never had a tree that was better unseen. It was beyond comprehension prior to this dark day as this tinseled nightmare gleamed before us. But the harsh reality was here and now, and it held us helplessly. Like Prisoners of War linked by the experience of this not-even-close-to-looking-anything-but-fake tree, the three of us in the room who had not lost their minds evaluated an entirely new concept simultaneously…minimizing collateral damage. If not seen, the metal menace would not be discussed. If no one knew our shame, we would not have to explain it away. There was a faint glint of hope in our agony of defeat.

But Maniacal Mom on her Christmas Campaign evaluated the visibility of her newborn glee and found it sadly lacking. The world must know. Each and every one who saw the house on Maple Avenue must know first hand the caliber of people it contained. She instituted Plan B. As diabolical a move as I had ever witnessed in all my ten years.

Our house was strategically placed. People saw it a quarter mile away after a bend on Main Street. It was known for years as a beacon of Christmas joy as drivers and passengers turned the bend and witnessed a gaily-colored structure ablaze in seasonal glory. This year they would turn and see a place that screamed with class. At least, that was my mother's plan. She replaced every light that decorated our house with bulbs of one color. The color of class. Blue. All of them. This removed any chance of our hiding the transformation. Like Frankenstein's monster, it looked a hell of a lot better on the drawing board than cascading into the night.

Multi-color lights worked in tandem. Bright reds eased into the hue of the orange ones. White lights blazed forth but were tinged with the subtlety of the greens. The effect was peaceful. Tranquil. Pretty. A house decorated with all blue lights was something else. More abomination than attraction. The blue ones combined like a synergistic scream from hell. The house was a laser blow to the retina, more frightening than festive. But the demise of anything glorious about our decorations did not end there. For in her warped world where blue equated to class, twinkling lights were something only Ralph Kramden enjoyed. Mom forbad such indignity. Instead, she tied her sense of class again to technology. Another innovation from the people linked to artificial trees and reflectors. The FLASHER


The FLASHER, a high tech solution to crass twinkling lights, made twinkling lights a thing of the past. The FLASHER, gave high-class folks the entertainment value of twinkling lights without the grittiness of such an obviously low class spectacle. The FLASHER was distinctive. The FLASHER was new. The FLASHER was something few had. The FLASHER cost less than two dollars. In essence, The FLASHER was marketed directly to my mother.

For The FLASHER allowed all the lights to go off and on together. It achieved a far more spectacular effect than mere twinkling. It lived up to its promise fully that eventful year.

For the house of blue lights did not merely ease into view as drivers turned that bend on Main Street. Thanks to The FLASHER, every light on the house went out. The FLASHER did not just entertain the drivers. It ambushed them. They turned the bend, perhaps even singing carols, blissfully unaware of what lay in the darkness before them. When suddenly - WHAM! Where there had been nothing, a house appeared. Trimmed entirely in blue lights. Blue lights that did more than eek with class. Blue lights that penetrated their corneas like bullets. Blue lights that removed any semblance of night vision and replaced it with blindness mixed with stark terror.

We heard new sounds that year. Ones normally not associated with Christmas. The squeal of tires. The grinding metal of locked brakes as helplessly blind drivers scrambled frantically to save themselves and their passengers. Screams of panic sliced the night air as a house appeared from nowhere and emotionally scarred holiday travelers. A house that then, thanks to the wonders of The FLASHER, disappeared from site and left drivers blind and disoriented.

My mother did not hear any of it. She reveled in glory as the Reflector turned her tree of silver to shades of beauty beyond comprehension. With the occasional glance outside, she saw firsthand the joy of the bugged-eyed people who locked their brakes to share her marvel. This Christmas Queen accepted their waves of recognition as her due as they eased their cars back off the sidewalks and out of neighbor's yards. The dramatic effect of The FLASHER caused her to squint though. She missed that not all their fingers were extended in greeting. She basked in class and saw things from another place. A place three people in the big house on Maple Avenue vowed would not be inflicted on Christmas again. Three people who prayed the designers of artificial trees, Reflectors, and The FLASHER had nothing to do with the space program.

Samhain 23

Link what you are to what you become for all that came before was preparation. This does not mean to keep all that you were for some would slow or even anchor you. Bring forth the strong and the good. Leave the rest behind with thanks for having made you what you are.

All of the past, the good and the bad, will be honored in that fashion. All to come will be bettered in that same fashion. Bring forward what can be salvaged and is in good stead. Leave the wreckage behind in tribute to the survival that moves you to health and happiness. The view from the wreckage will not change. Go forth to the beauty.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Samhain 21

What is measured, improves. What is measured and reported, improves exponentially. That is key to the control of anything. Tracking something is good unto itself. Reporting and taking actions on those reports is good stewardship and results in a higher return on all investment. There is the beginning of that now and, as it increases, there will dramatic changes.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Samhain 20

The shifts show the ebb and the flow of the river of change. There were things that were sought and given that now ease back to what was but what was is different. What makes the feeling that return to what was is different? That is transformation. Just as something common tastes different once away from it for a while.

There is irony in that returning to what was and variations of what was reinforces how much you and yours have changed. Testimony to the wonder of conditioning, accepting, and control. Growth embodied.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Samhain 19

Productivity grows as the herd accepts the trust of the rulers. This is crucial for slaves are such special creatures. Giving so freely of everything they are and everything they have. It is sad that the word slave was used to describe forced servitude and led to such atrocities and abuse. True slavery is a calling. To place all in the hands of insightful, caring, and loving rulers is a trust only a few dare to live and even fewer dare to accept. Slaves accept the danger of hurt and abuse and do so in the ultimate hope that the rulers are true to the beauty of the calling of slavery. Those of the herd will be in the hands of the tribe and the tribe ensures their herd is used wisely, well, and often.

Sunday, December 11, 2011



I am an intensely different person this Christmas season. The longing to gift love is rich and deep in my soul. A soul as linked to Yule and Solstice as it is to Jesus and His true message. His Birthday. A celebration of a gift. A gift where forgiveness is given and salvation guaranteed. Salvation is ours to lose……not to earn. We come from that place where we shall return. We come from Unconditional Love and return unto it when we shuffle off this mortal coil. We are Unconditional Love.

We are Peace on Earth……the instant we choose to be.
We are Goodwill to All…….the instant we choose to be.
We are gods and goddesses……the instant we choose to be.
We ARE Jesus………..the instant we choose to be.

We are to gift others with our light.
We are to gift others with our truth.
We are to gift others with our peace.
We are to gift others with our love.

To give light, truth, peace, and love, it must be in us.
It must be in us and then it is in all we touch.
We are the light the world needs in the darkest of times.
We are the exactly right gift that arrives at exactly the right time.

That is my hunger………to give that gift…………to share that gift…… BE that gift.

I love you. All of you. I give you my love, my best, my soul, my truth, my joy…….and pray you receive and give it away and those you touch give it away. I pray that my gift is rich, pure, sweet, warm, and healing. I am one size fits all.

I ache to love the world to peace and joy this season…..and everyday.

Be happy. It makes me smile.
Be joyful. It makes me warm.
Be at peace. It makes me content.
Be loved. It makes me matter.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Samhain 18

See the wonders that touch all as the Energy breaks through and moves all to new levels. As the herd moves in trust, it begins to understand that expectations are actually limitations for the unaware seek to shape things to expectations. As the herd questions less by definitions that no longer apply, it is taken to places that reinforce the magnitude and power of what comes to each of them. As the herd sees through its new eyes, it pulls forward eagerly for each wants to be in place and not be left behind.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Samhain 17

The right choices will not always be the easiest ones. This is when the strength of trust will be essential for each. This is when that very trust is tested but with each test the trust will be even stronger. The weakness will surface and look for the easier path but do not succumb to the weakness for that will only delay the inevitable. These are not easy things. These are not joyous things. These are right things. The pain will pass. The trust in the SOURCE, those of the SOURCE, and with the SOURCE will sustain tribe and herd.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Samhain 16

The changes are fast and furious now. There is an edge to things and that edge shows only sharpening in the future. There is a decisiveness that shows the gathering storm of action. The herd ran into the woods and hid for a bit. Filled with questions and doubt thought long gone. The herd licked its wounds and wallowed in self pity with even the sight of the path lost. The herd longed and longs now exposed in those longings.

Now it is to be placed back to work and shown the path under its new condition. The absolute lack of control craved now and forever. The SOURCE eased it back from hiding where it hid from self only. The herd is exposed and named new now. Prepared for what it thinks is coming. Shown it underestimates and follows only now.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Samhain 15

Those of herd and tribe will at times taste loneliness. It will feel as punishment and the sting of discipline. The beasts accept this as sure as judgment of the SOURCE. This reminds all of place as well as need. In darkness and cold, fears are faced and the depth of slavery and calling are shown. Capable beasts of burden move to that slavery with new respect for the SOURCE. This is the Power of the Feminine unleashed. This is the energy of the SOURCE. This is the new reality.

Samhain 14

The energy of the SOURCE pushed through the darkness and showed another the joy of insight. The sweetness of connecting to SOURCE and moving to place was as if a celebration of Sabbath. Riding the drum beat to dreamscape of scenes and images made clearer in review. Images of and from the Feminine as tribe and herd shined through distinctly and fueled the appetite and belief of another seeker.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Samhain 14

The energy of the SOURCE pushed through the darkness and showed another the joy of insight. The sweetness of connecting to SOURCE and moving to place was as if a celebration of Sabbath. Riding the drum beat to dreamscape of scenes and images made clearer in review. Images of and from the Feminine as tribe and herd shined through distinctly and fueled the appetite and belief of another seeker.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Samhain 13

Service is a journey and the herd journeys forth. Facing things unexpected. Addressing inner fears in new ways. The bumps in the path jostle and toss as sure as boulders and ditches. That is the nature of movement. When the pain erupts from within, there is no hiding for the agony is where ever the beast is. Labors numb the hurt as time heals. The tribe will know more of their herd after the treatment and the beasts will be better harnessed and yoked. The connection will be even stronger for those that pass through the pain.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Samhain 12

The full moon burned changes and that will very often be the case. For some, the burn fueled the passion and the joy. For others, the fire scarred and injured. For all linked to the SOURCE, the forging will result in strength. The fall from the mountaintop can be painful but the next mountain offers even more spectacular joy.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Samhain 11

The adjustments are many and the shifts continue. The herd is up to the challenge and the tribe protects and shapes. Energy surges inside each from places far and near to embrace and even chain with sweetness. There is that much motion in the cosmos that pulses to each connected to deep inside their soul. This journey begins deep inside and then goes even deeper. To the core. Core of self. The core of self is the pathway to the SOURCE. Few go deep enough inside to link to SOURCE but that is the way of the herd and the tribe.