Wednesday, May 19, 2010

How to Save The World (Introduction)

How to Save the World

(Beginning in your own back yard)

The Guide for Super Human Heroes with a massive dose of passion, a deep sense of Global Community, a low budget, more cluelessness than they like to admit, and a modicum of physical coordination


I remember the day I decided to save the world. Interesting how peaceful it felt. Especially since I was unemployed, had the IRS nipping at my ass, and didn’t plan to actually do much physical labor. Yet, it all made perfect sense. The guy around the corner already did most of the work. He was the Action Hero. Me? I am Word Man. The guy around the corner actually did stuff everyday and had been doing stuff longer than I have been alive. He knew how to save the world. Quite frankly, he was damn good at it. He just thought too small.

The world is a big place. A really big place. There are more places out there than we can ever see. Saving every one of those places takes more than one Super Human Hero. In fact, it takes a whole bunch of Super Human Heroes. So the one Super Human Hero around the corner just wasn’t enough. The world needs lots just like him. Now, me….I am not just like him. I am a lot different than he is.

He likes to work with his hands. Yuck. I applaud that, which technically IS working with my hands. My idea of what work my hands should do is just different. I would much rather have my hands on a keyboard, holding a good book, maybe touching some rocks while hiking in the mountains, or tons of other things besides fixing stuff and making stuff work. Now, bear in mind, I like to get my hands dirty and garden and stuff like that. Occasionally. Just when it feels right. Will do it when I need to…..but want to do it when I want to instead. So I get the idea of work….just want to be free most of the time to do other things with my hands. Yet, I get the idea of why Tire Man, that is what I call the guy around the corner, loves working with his hands. He works in Tires the way I work in Words. I hope my words are as pretty and as effective as his work in tires. Quite frankly, it does not matter. He is going to work in tires and share his knowledge and I am going to work in words and share them regardless. We are wired to do what is right every day and make the world a bit better because we are here for however long we are here. The whole saving the world thing just kinda happened.

So, let’s get started. This is, after all, a How To guide. Your How To guide. I just get to write it. Tire Man and a few dedicated wanna-be Super Human Heroes will actually do the work. Work you can do. Right in your own back yard. For very little money and with long term improvement for the entire world. Quite frankly, you need to do it. If you don’t, someone else is going to have to and I don’t plan to be that someone. I am going to do my part by writing about it. Tire Man and other folks in my world are going to their part. You need to do your part. I want to enjoy the world….not fix it.

Let’s roll up our sleeves and get started. It starts with the stuff you probably have the most of anyway….trash. You will need four old tires, a garbage can lid, and lots of trash. That begins the process. You need to generate less trash….you are generating too much now and spending your money to buy stuff that you could get free by doing Step 1 in the How To Save the World Guide. Let’s Compost!

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