Saturday, June 19, 2010

Beltane 19

Much has been purged in the fires of Beltane. The change is palatable in yourself and sensed as such in those around you. You have grown in self as you purged some of the baggage of old. Lightened the load as detractors of doubt burned in the fires of close evaluation.

You have worked and focused and processed and grown. Stronger. That is as Beltane should be. Ostara was of re-birth and was joyous but seems eons ago. Beltane is of purging and cleaning and draws to a close. Successfully. More so than you may realize until you review the changes in self.

You are surer. Stronger. Ready to act in purpose and glory. The fires did not just burn away the rubbish. The fires heated the metal and honed the sword. The fires lit the heat of passion about you and what you were meant to be and will be.

Breathe deep and taste the strength within yourself. Assume your position and move forward in joy and confidence. Beltane ends soon and you used it well.

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