My vote counts. That is why I am writing-in my vote in the next presidential election. It is my decision. It is only one vote but it is my vote. My voice to the Washington that listens to others long before they hear what I have to say. I will write-in my vote as a statement that it was my decision about the individual that represents me as President. My vote is my voice……and my voice will be heard and known long before one vote on one day in one election. My vote is merely part of my voice. You are hearing it now. Suggest you remember it because it is here everyday inside of me. Now…..about my vote.
It might be a Democrat. It might be a Republican. It might be something else. Might be a man. Might be a woman. It will be a person that will go to Washington to lead. To set the example for those in Washington and everyone that looks to Washington as representative of this country to the world. They will be the best choice I can make based on the information I gather and evaluate.
I live beyond party. I live beyond interest group. I live beyond pay-offs and payola. I will not be brought and sold with a sound-bite, a glad hand, and any damn poll. My vote is not based on fear or greed. It is based on hope and civic responsibility. I paid my dues and will be heard. One vote. One voice. A voice that says what I do is good enough for me and it is good enough for the world. I look to Washington to follow my example. They will know I am here and that I can and will survive them at their weakest but hope they are at the best someday again soon. My vote matters… me. That is why I will base it on what is best for me and the world I touch everyday.
Almost started a group. League of American Voters. Something. We don’t need another stinking group. We need a lot of ones. One vote people. One voice people. Their own voice. We are nation of ones. One people. People that decide. People that lead. People that know they do matter and are willing to let Washington hear us. Write-in. Righting. Right-on. Left wing, right wing, anything but broken wings and broken promises. We promise to do our best and vote like it matters because it does. I can write-in my vote, write them off, and write them out anytime because……my voice is loud and clear to me and will be loud and clear to them forever.
My next President is a write-in. I will put you on the ballot…even if someone else put you there first. My vote will be a write-in because I am more than a follower….more than a flip of a switch. That is my message, Washington. So… me what ya got, boys and girls. You better start doing better than you are and have been.
I am writing-in my vote in 2012 and will know who I will vote for when I walk into the booth. Between now and then, I will watch what Washington does and vote based on performance rather than promise. I am an independent voter and the political parties lost my respect. They will hear my voice though……in the voting booth….or sooner if need be. My vote still matters…… voice is much louder than one vote though and that is what they will know forevermore. Election day is just one day when I matter….I matter everyday and that is my message to anyone anywhere.
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