Thursday, March 24, 2011

Ostara 2

Enjoy the openness. Be outside and willing to feel the dirt. That is the yearning. That is the unsettledness. The earth beckons. Gaia stretches awake and calls to you. It is time for planting. Time for sitting in the sun. Time for savoring the buds and then the leaves and the blooms. Time for watching as young ones discover the flight of butterflies and the mastery of ants.

There has been one revolution since the Equinox and already you feel the light of the season. That is as it should be. For every time there is a season. Sing of it.

Reflect back to the playful nature of this time and then make it so again. There is much strength in all of you. This time fuels it. As the unbundled clothing frees the flesh, the flesh breathes deeper and deeper. You are less removed from nature. You draw back to roots that are there all the time but now seen when you are within. Open so that the air flows and sings and energizes. It will give you answers and love.

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