Saturday, March 19, 2011

Imbolc 18

The full moon illuminates your dreamscapes clearly for the veils are thinnest then since the dimensions are bridged and merged at those fine moments. The beings of light feed images to the dreamscape that are messages for your path and journey. See not what is there but what each means.

See the Hospital but know the place of healing for answers are there. Hear the cheers of the throng at the spectator sport that distracts them while you journey forth in trust. Realize that solutions do come from teams of old in ways that are uncommon but much needed. Feel your own tears and the tears of the one who held you there and know that both outpourings are needed to merge to clean the air. Accept the longer hair as the symbol of time to grow for the wearer. Notice the privacy failures and know it is not about privacy but communication. Help the woman in heels off the mountainous and challenging path while noticing how her footwear and preparation were so ill suited for the arduous journey. Make note of the amok and anger things that had you move hither and yon versus straight ahead. Explore why basic functions were exposed there and the process and way of cleaning were so different and seemingly ineffective. Accept the twists, turns, delays, confusions, frustrations, and distractions there in that dreamscape of connection are far more than symbolic for the journey underway and the days ahead.

All this and more are there for you are to look forth to the beings of light more and more. The dreamscape is not somewhere else. It is part of what is next shown to you in ways you can process and handle now. Move to the beings of light there and those here as well and journey forth for Ostara comes soon.

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