Eight year old boys are eight year old boys and this kid I know is very much an eight year old boy. Likes video games, rough house, fart jokes, Legos, Batman, and tons of things germane to the wonders of a eight year old world. This one kid is a bit different though. He is an Empath.
Empaths have a gift. The gift of feeling others’ feelings. Some might think it a curse. I did and resisted that very gift inside myself for decades. Called in the gifted ones to understand what people really felt and appreciated how important it is to know. Just wanted it to be someone else’s gift. Anyone else’ gift.
I know one that lives his gift at an early age. Showed it early and often. Feels what others’ feel and moves on what he feels. Watched as he moved to comfort a friend who was in a time out during Karate class. Not even his Karate class. Just a kid he knew in passing from another class. I watched as the Empath went over and sat near his friend. He wasn’t asked….he just felt. Just knew. The Empath knew the kid needed company. Needed to know time out was just time out. The Empath went and sat without a word. Just comforted.
Then the day of great wisdom arrived. The Empath held his brother….held the baby that was meant to be. I saw the wise Elder. The one that knew exactly how important that moment was. When asked if he was ready to leave, the Empath said, in a soft voice that explained all he needed in one word, “No.”. So we stayed a while longer.
It was magic. It was a then seven year old holding his brother, comforting his mother and father, and inspiring his Pop-Pop. He was quiet, reverent, loving, healing, and fully present. The most present one in the room……well, except for his brother. It was then I knew how very special the Empath really was. He felt things….and understood what he felt…….and knew exactly what to do.
Eyes that shined with only slightly withheld tears. Tears of unconditional love and amazing strength. He was fully present. Above the shock and trauma of the moment that gripped most there. Barely eight…..and he was the Elder. I watched and learned from him that day. Saw the man he already is and the greatness that is his for all the days ahead.
Ethan Wood turns eight today. He is a good kid with kid likes and kid adventures. He is more though……..he is an Empath. That makes his eighth birthday even more special. Enjoy the moment, Ethan. I love you and I am deeply honored to know there are beings like you on this planet.
Happy Birthday, Ethan Wood.
I love you, Pop-Pop
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