I think the movie was right. We can’t handle the truth. That’s the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. We see the truth and then we spend time trying to deny it or change it. If it is the truth, it is your truth and that is all that matters. Some will get it. Some will not. It does not matter if they get it. It matters if you get it. If you do, live it or spend your time doing anything and everything but living it. Your truth is your either/or.
We seek the truth and then when it is in our hand we want it to be anywhere else. Want some truth? You are gonna die. Just like everyone that already died, everyone that was born and has yet to die, and everyone that has yet to be born. We are all gonna die. No one gets out of here alive. You are gonna die. It is not an if. It is a when. That is your truth. Wrap it up with a bow and pretend it is something you can put in the closet and open when you are ready. This birthday present opens itself whenever it is damn ready. Surprise! You’re dead.
So the fuck what? You can spend time in that closet and hope no body finds out you are worried about dying. You can go through life with one foot on a banana peel and the other in designer shoes. It does not matter. You are gonna die and the sooner you accept that, the better off you will be. That is the truth.
Take the box out of the closet and put it right in your face everyday. Jam it up your ass and carry it around all the time. Take it deep cause you are pretty well fucked either way. Own it. Claim it. Dance with it. Celebrate it. Begin each day celebrating that you ain’t dead yet. Maybe tomorrow, next Tuesday, or forty-three years from the last time you got laid. It’s a coming, boys and girls. It’s a coming. The only surprise is how and when and, for some of the more mysterious among us earthlings, who. So let it see in the light of day and move forth with gusto.
Live. That is the truth. Honor that truth and all the other truths fall right into place. Don’t wish. Do. Don’t watch. See. Ride the ride and know that it will end when it over and you are just along for the ride. Keep your hands in your own fucking car if you want. Mine are raised on the steepest drops and I scream “Shit!” at the top of my lungs as we drop into another abyss of not having a fucking clue. If I didn’t do that, I might as well be dead. That’s my truth.
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