Saturday, July 16, 2011

Litha 9

Mistakes are great and telling things. See not just the mistake but the message therein and you will be not just wiser but more compassionate to others and to self. Mistakes and how they are handled or denied reveal things of people and self that open doors to understanding. Mistakes will be made by all. That is a constant. It is the nature of life in this realm. Animal instinct is activated by mistakes as pups and cubs. Learning is a series of mistakes. Many of the best discoveries are revealed thanks to mistakes.

When mistakes are made, see how they are handled and who handles them. Mistakes may be from inexperience and these are to be embraced and then corrected as learning. Mistakes may be from neglect and these are to be probed for cause and action. Probe well for the answer to the first why will not be true. Nor the second. Nor the third. The truth is layered to both the doer and the prober. Five fold probe gets to the core of the truth. Address the core truth when taking action and the course will be pure.

There is another, more grievous and dangerous, indictor to watch for in regard to mistakes. See those that do not acknowledge any or that minimize all their own mistakes. This is rooted in arrogance and arrogance undermines value with a tide of defiance. Those that immediately seek blame over correction have one finger pointing outward and all others pointed at the cause. Those that minimize any error of self deny not just the truth to others but to themselves.

See not just the mistakes of others but of self. Treat both the same. Opportunities to learn and improve. Indicators of issues that must be addressed. Bonding that humbles and humanizes all.

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