Be open to those that approach you, both of the herd and tribe and approaching herd and tribe. Your energy cries out to many as the SOURCE reaches to the surface and beyond. Many will be drawn to it that you would not suspect but you still must see. In regards to sharing of self in words and actions, you are of the SOURCE as the breeders are--Planting seeds that will incubate and be nurtured over time. Seeds of knowledge and insight as sure as embryos that will birth sometimes days or weeks or even months or years later. That is how hungry many are and their very barren and empty nature brings them to you and yours for the understanding of the Feminine and the energy of the SOURCE.
Do not question. Do not evaluate. Merely plant the seed of knowledge and let it grow. Perhaps they will ask you to help nurture it. Perhaps they will take the seed and go elsewhere for nurturing. This is not of your choosing for your energy is to be shared with the tribe and the herd and any drawn to it just as sure as breeder’s seed is used for purposes the SOURCE decides.
The energy sings out already. You feel it as strangers, friends, family, and all reach to you. You feel it as this happens in tandem to all in the tribe and every beast in the herd. This is how Litha is. Seeds longing to be planted. Wombs of knowledge longing to be impregnated by the Energy of the SOURCE. This is your place. This is the herd’s and the tribe’s place. The SOURCE will thrive and multiply in this fashion.
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