Once upon a time, there was a little girl that was unique. Now, she didn’t really know she was unique. She didn’t even really try to be unique. She was just busy being herself and the more she became herself, the more and more unique she was. Seems being unique was quite natural for her so she started being unique at a very young age.
When it came time for birthday parties, she was just like other kids. She loved going to birthday parties and loved having her own birthday party, too. In her family, and in a lot of the families for the kids she knew, the kids got to select the theme of their very own birthday party. Some picked Star Wars and others picked Spider Man. There were Cinderella themed parties as well as Fairy Princess ones. The little girl was excited to pick the theme for her very own party. Orange. After all, it was her favorite color. She loved the party when her birthday came and carefully planned what she would select for her birthday the following year. When the time came, she knew exactly what to pick. Art.
In her family, the kids also got to pick what they had for dinner on their birthdays. If they wanted to go out for junk food, a rarity since their Mom and Dad ensured they ate good, healthy food, they got to go out for junk food on their birthday. Sometimes the kids picked junk food. Other times they picked some restaurant that was new. They even sometimes chose a special dish that Mom or Dad would make for them. When it came to this little girl’s birthday, she chose something that was just right for her. A dinner everyone could enjoy that would a special treat from all of them on her special day. Honey Nut Cherrios.
She knew what she liked. She had her own song about being a Rock Star since she would very likely be a Rock Star when she grew up. Either a Rock Star or Tinkerbelle. Maybe both. She was not sure about that yet. She also liked tomatoes. A lot. She would snack on them over just about anything else. She had a younger sister that called her “baby” and she liked that. She danced at the drop of a hat, even if no one really dropped a hat. This little girl knew what she liked and she enjoyed doing what she liked.
She was just being herself. A person that really enjoyed favorite colors and tastes and sounds and so much more. She laughed and danced through almost everyday. Her life was a celebration of living. Her life was a celebration for everyone around her. I know because I know that special, unique girl. She is my granddaughter, Meghan Wood.
Happy Fourth Birthday, Meghan
Love, Pop-Pop
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