You and yours become as the Light. As you look inside and become what you were destined to be and help those that also look inside to understand their place and destiny, your light beams forth brighter and brighter. As the tribe forms and the herd gathers, the lights therein merge to a brilliance that bursts forth. The light draws those that seek kindred. The light calls those that yearn for place in the herd to come to pen and cage. With each of tribe and each of herd that gather, the light brightens as if a gathering of suns.
All will be able to sense it. For some, it will be as light for their eyes are open. For others it will be as heat for their eyes are closed but they sense it still. Herein begins the shift of those of the light and those choosing not to be of the light. The light is for all and only those that do not choose it have no hope of joining it forever.
Some will merely shield their eyes from it and go about their existence. For others, this will not be possible for they will be near it at all times and the shield will not be enough as the lights gather and grow. Soon they will turn from it in hopes to see clearly for looking at the light will blind them. Some of the weakest will not just look away but try to extinguish the light. They will not believe the light can be good and will see it as fire of destruction growing all around them. These will not succeed but will find places where the light does not touch them and therein wallow in that darkness.
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