Friday, October 22, 2010


To question or not to question, that is the question. No question about it. I question everything. I am a Questioner. Question to learn. Question to ensure I actually understood what I learned. Question how to share it, how to give it away, and how to keep giving it away. Question all the time and then question why I question all the time. It happens all day, every day. I wake up with a question of what the day holds and then go to sleep with a question if I did my best. My dreams walk right into my questions. Questions about the light. Questions about the dark. Questions to learn.

Questions are joyous. Each question is the Divine Child opening to be fed. Maybe my mouth should be a question mark. Maybe my Divine Child has a question mark rather than a halo. My Divine Child questions all the time. I even question the Divine. How dare I? How could I? How could I not? I question to learn and then to share and then if I shared enough and if it was what others needed and if it will really matter. If it does, cool. If it does not, so what? Tomorrow is an unknown. I do not question that. I do my questioning in the moment.

Some questions are to attack. When asked them, I realize they are not truly questions at all. Yet when I feel myself asking those type of questions, I honor them. I choke them back and ask myself why the hell I would do that? Why would I question my joy or my choices or ever dare to question others joy or their choices. All of those questions are actually all about me anyway so I choke them back and must become a Master Questioner.

Why do I question? What drives this question? I own the questions and question right through the questions to find the fear that drives them. To find what I need to feel to understand why the heck I would question my very joy. To understand the weakness that is mine that would have me question others rather than ask why I question them rather than face the question of self I avoid by questioning them. Those are the questions of deeper learning. I go deep into them because there is sweetness in deep learning.

I question to learn. No question about it. I question to grow and shine and share and live and die and love and love even more and then even more than that. I question because I am human and we are here to learn and questions are all about learning. Learning about me so that I can be the best me and then a better me and then even a better me. Learning about me so I can be a We and We We We all the way home. Right back to where I came from. Wherever that was. Any questions?

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