Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ostara 8

Be both arrogant and humble. You need the energy of both to move fast as well as focused. While you question if this is possible, you already sense bits of both and should embrace those feelings.

Be Arrogant. This is about you. You are not a player in someone else’s story. You and you and they are players in yours. All these things have been positioned to fulfill your destiny. Do not subjugate your destiny to another’s. Look at the resource and the bounty as placed to move you to where you know you should be. Speak of that authority and that purpose and let all sense your passion of it.

Be humble. This is about a much higher calling as well and sensing that higher purpose ensures your arrogance fuels but does not taint. Things will move forward without you but not as quickly and not as sure. That is the case for all of you. All of us. All of all kinds. Belief in self is key or else we only follow, living someone else’s dream. Humbleness to apply your natural talents and strengths to the good of all ensures we do not succeed at the expense of others.

Balance. Use the arrogance but check it with humility. Ensure others’ arrogance is checked as well. Those that achieve this serve a higher calling and fulfill destiny. Those that do not either follow or corrupt.

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