Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ostara 17

Shifts happen in all things. Some slight and others more significant. From near and far, there are signs of the change. Some do not see them but you and others like you do. Embrace the shift for what it represents to you as well as what it represents to the long term change.

Resources gather. Choose the resources that move you forward and discard the resources that distract. Power shifts. Use the Power that moves you to your destiny and your place in the new but do not let other Power distract you from your purpose. As the shift occurs, workload increases. There are resources to handle it, in fact more than enough, although it will not seem so at times. There is to be work but there is also to be joy as well. Lose not this idea. Take time each day to labor hard for the purpose of change and the long term good but also refresh yourself with sleep, and laughter, and company, and play. Balance in all things.

Look for this in yourself as well as in those you call Kindred and those you call yours. All are necessary and all need tending. Ostara moves to the next and the next promises blossoming and bounty. Savor the significance of this moment and this cycle but see how it links to the next and the next to next after that. Good todays lead to even greater tomorrows and so forth. This is a special day. See what is before you and use it today for tomorrow is just as special.

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