Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Question for Jesus

My moment with Jesus arrived. He looked like I thought he would. Except for his hair. Healthy. Happy. Robust. His smile was beautiful. Perfect teeth that shined almost as much as his eyes. His eyes was deep brown and his hair was short. That surprised me a bit. Always pictured him with long hair. Like the paintings. Like the time he lived. Folks had long hair and beards back then. Jesus had short hair and for some reason that made him feel more real.

Just him and me. I could ask him anything. So I did. Asked him about his birthday and the stress it caused. How the day was a challenge, emotionally and financially. How the pressure to ensure the day was perfect, the gifts were right, and the family all got along began building around Halloween and lasted well into the new year. How much it distracted from his birthday and peace on earth and goodwill to men. I asked him about that and how come it was that way.

He smiled when he answered. “Cause you brought into a whole bunch of crap that has nothing to do with me.”

“Any other questions?”

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