It’s official. I tried to think in Bumper Stickers. Had deep and wonderful thoughts about how we must feel and remember our yesterdays. Bring them forward in lessons learned and things celebrated. Looking there for blame and excuses is the mirror that avoids putting our face to what created today. If today is fucked up, I let it happen. You let it happen. We let it happen. We made it happen. Yesterday and the day before and the day before that. My today is the sum total of my yesterdays and everything I did, failed to do, should have done, shouldn’t have done, didn’t know I did, knew I shouldn’t have and did anyway….all that happy horseshit that flows out our mouths when we chase the tales of our yesterdays. Want to know what got you the way you are? You did. Yesterday. Face it. Get over with it. Get on with it. Treasure your yesterdays. Just don’t spend a hell of a lot time there. They’re over!
Then I thought about my tomorrows. Our tomorrows. My kids and grandkids and their kids and grandkids and all their tomorrows. There will be a lot more tomorrows than just mine. I have zero control about how many. I might be dead before I finish typing this sentence. Might be dead as you read it. Zero control over that. Yet, my tomorrows are effected by everything I do today. Everything. If I drive when I could have walked or waste shit because I have extra and can just buy more. If I sit on my ass and watch life rather than live it. All the things I do today directly effect my tomorrows. It also effects your tomorrows. The stuff you do today effects my tomorrows too and I have zero control over that. I do control what I do today and that has to be enough cause I am just one person. I will support those that make the choices I think are right for all our tomorrows. The rest of you? Wake up. Everything you do today effects us all so live like you have a damn clue, will you? I ain’t wasting my time and energy trying to show you how far up your ass you have your head. The world is fucked up and that is because of our yesterdays. Today, we fix it or fuck it up more. Me? I fixing it. I am glad if you are, too. We will have better tomorrows once we have better todays.
Today is what we have. It is all we have. If it is fucked up, we did that yesterday and have to do stuff different right now. What we do today matters. Forever. That is the truth. Every single thing we do today matters. What we say, do, think, eat, feel, touch, share, sing, kill, hug, breathe, fuck, kiss, hurt, heal, forgive, read, watch, wear, wash, clean, cuddle, love, hate, and any other action, reaction, or inaction that we live. Today is when we save the world we screwed up, improve the world we saved, and change the world we want tomorrow. Today is what we have. Yesterdays gone, tomorrow ain’t here, and now is what we have.
I walked and had those thoughts and tons of others. Tried to get it to a sound bite. A bumper sticker oozing with message, positivity, and depth. Something catchy, politically correct, and quick. “Treasure yesterdays, value tomorrows, and own today”. Maybe “Yesterday’s gone, tomorrow’s watching, and today is here.” So many possibilities. So many clever and right ways to get the word out there. To touch folks that hear and maybe ever a few that need that one nudge to really change. I wanted the Bumper sticker.
What the hell is that about? We are way beyond the bumper sticker stage. If you haven’t got the message by now, you need the bumper sticker on a train that runs you over to get your attention. No more bumper stickers. (Alright…a few more….but just because sometimes I like them.). If you can fit your message on a bumper sticker or a placard, run for office because some people believe in placards, sound bites, and one vote is all it takes to save the world.
I tried to think bumper sticker thoughts today. That is soooooooo yesterday. Retro, my ass. Let’s live today like it matter tomorrow. Cause it does.
If you are still reading, thanks. If you aren’t, cool. I can’t reach people who don’t read and think and do….don’t want too. My reach only goes so far. Meanwhile, I will be doing what I do and that matters tomorrow so I better do it right today,
“Tomorrow will be a lot better if we do the right things together today.” Kinda catchy, ain’t it? That won’t fit on a bumper sticker but that’s alright with me. We need less bumpers anyway. Remember, I was walking when all these thoughts flowed. Walking is a good thing….today and tomorrow. Try it. Please! Leave your bumper stickers home. Bumper stickers ain’t the target audience anymore. That’s a road too well traveled.
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