Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Yule 6

(From the book "Sabbats", yours free at

The Yule is of children. All children. That is why all crave Yule for all seek the child they were and always would be. Look inside of yourself and see the child that you were in the fourth and fifth year. This is your own child of Yule. This is the child that shapes what you long to be. This is the child that defines what makes you happy and how you see the world and those in it. This is the child that must be fully known for you to live your destiny.

The time between then and now was the journey to destiny. To gather resources. Knowledge. Skills. Understanding. Then to return to a place where that child can be brought forth again and use all that was learned on the journey to live its destiny.

That is why we crave Yule so much. The child cries in wonder if this is season that it will come forth and live as it did when in the fourth and fifth year yet use all it knows. For many cycles, there is a glimmer of hope but then the journey moves the child forth into the world again. The true Yule is the one where you complete the circle and live your destiny as sure, as safe, as free, and as happy as you were when in the fourth and fifth year of this realm.

Look hard at the what, who, where, how of that when and see the answers that have screamed at you for so long. Find Those that understand this and present in trust. Yule then is forever.

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