Muscles of all kinds are lost when not used. Begin to use them after a long dormancy and there is pain and even resistance to use. As if the very movement that was intended is no longer possible. As if the muscle did not just stop being used but disappeared forever.
Begin the use slowly. Re-introduce the use to even the slightest of movement. Celebrate often as use becomes more routine. Once the basic motion is back though, flex and flex often. The muscle is back in place and must be pushed to mass and power. Let it see that dormancy is gone and power is back.
This will not be easy at the outset for it is easier just to let the dormancy remain. Inertia is like that. So long rested, the dust of time buries not just the motion but the form and function of what was and what should be. The hardest part will be returning to any motion. Once in motion, the rest is just not to lose the motion and the power in it.
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