Wednesday, February 2, 2011

How Does SOURCE Communicate with you?

“How does the SOURCE communicate with you?” Someone emailed and asked me that question.

Wow. What a thought provoking question. Well…..the same way anyone’s higher power communicates with them. I hear SOURCE in the silence. Nature is the message of connection of all things and my quest to be part of the balance of it all. Sometimes I hear SOURCE through others. They say things and I hear the inspiration of something that is beyond them. Each of us is linked to SOURCE so each of us feels it and speaks it at times in our actions and our choices. I hear it in and through others.

As a writer, I put my words on paper and share them. Sometimes those words are clearly mine and all about me. Most times in fact. That is why I work to write in the positive and about inclusion for that is my path and those are my choices to what is right. My words are my truth and what I say about anything and anyone is actually about me. I do my best to honor my Higher Power in my words yet read them with the same caution I do anyone’s…….the words are more about the speaker than the topic for we speak them.

Yet at times, I feel SOURCE move me as a writer. I speak from a place that is beyond me. Knowing things I did not know I knew. Speaking of experiences I did not live but that read as sure as if I did. Those times are humbling. Even scary. Those are times when I am out of the way…….and realize the words are not mine…….yet pushed through me. One of the clues for me is when I read the words and realize they are new to me. The words read like they are someone else’s. That is when I pay closer attention. Kinda ironic in that I pay closer attention to my words when I first suspect they are not mine.

Then I realized that I pay closer attention to other’s communication when I suspect it not their communication. I love when I hear SOURCE through others. When words come from a place beyond them. I drink in the messages and celebrate the SOURCE moving through them. It helps me realize that sometimes SOURCE moves through me in the same way.

There are times I write things and wonder “what the heck?” I look at the words and see them as not mine. Then I look at them and the message eludes. I wonder why I bothered writing them. Wonder if they are to be shared or if they even matter. Sometimes they just sit. Other times the words almost demand to be shared so I share them. That is usually when the words are most powerful. Someone reaches back and says, “wow…thank you. I needed exactly that message at exactly this moment. Wow.” I chuckle a bit and realize I was just a message boy. The message was beyond me. Did not know what it was and do not have to know what it was. I just have to deliver it when it says to be delivered.

“How does SOURCE communicate with you?” Anyway it wants, anytime it wants, and every time I need…… long as I listen. Just like it does for any and all of us. Thanks for asking.

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