Monday, April 26, 2010

Ostara 28

Be willing to test yourself. Link to those that challenge your abilities. Those who test you. Not in the way to question or degrade you. In the way that stretches you. In all your abilities, be like the athlete. Train and hone your skills. Alone and with others. Then test those skills against those that challenge you to use them to full capacity. Do not choose that who do not challenge you for, if so, you will not get stronger. You will merely think yourself great as you win against challenges that are easily overcome by your abilities.

This is not easy. You are not sure if you are challenging yourself until you fail. Then you know you must hone the skills even more and try again. Then again you may fail and hone even further. When you do succeed, you will know you have improved. Then you move to the next level and do it again.

Those that find the niche and stay, begin to die. Comfortably. Happily. They begin to fade. Into what they once were instead of what they can be. There is time for that. Later. Now use your skills and be happy when you do. This is not about work. It is about skills on all levels. Most relate it to work. They relate it to every level of existence.

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