Sunday, November 20, 2011

Samhain 10

The herd sees clearer now. Embracing what comes since what comes builds the worth of all in the herd. The processing is quicker and far less painful. The acceptance of being led fuels the pace. The feet are not dug in anymore. The herd does not stand and watch now but moves in tandem. While what is ahead has not been, nor ever will be, revealed completely, the herd sees that what is ahead is much better than what was behind or even what is here. The herd sees it wants to move forward.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Samhain 9

Be the example for in being the example the appreciation of self and place begins. Open to usage in ways that take you close to the SOURCE. As you serve, see what you have and how the service completes you. Take from those moments the sweetness of the energy for that is the sustainment so necessary for those times away from tribe and herd.

Know that you are never truly away. Once of SOURCE, you are with SOURCE and SOURCE is with you. SOURCE does not just accept, SOURCE selects. SOURCE does not just use, SOURCE improves. SOURCE does not just tolerate, SOURCE understands. SOURCE does not just own, SOURCE values. SOURCE does not just care, SOURCE loves.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Samhain 8

They will come crippled and hurt. Hiding from self with good cause yet with the seeker within peeking out in longing and need. They will come with expectations and desires, most often shaped by the very forces within each one that has pushed the seeker to the shadows in hopes of denying its very existence. Once the seeker within is shown the light of acceptance, it will emerge from the shadows. Cautiously at first for it has been beaten into hiding. Opposed by the complexity of denial and deceit that so effectively bound it.

This is the very purpose of the herd as others come to each of them with trust of a calling they do not even understand. The journey to the herd will be littered with barriers but still seekers will push them to it. A hope in almost final desperation to change. To understand. To be in the light of understanding and acceptance. Light that is theirs and always has been but that has been kept from them. Light that the herd lives as property of the tribe for the tribe is of the SOURCE. The SOURCE of all light.

Monday, November 14, 2011


To journal your soul and show the world.
Who dares?
Who cares?
Who will read?
Will it matter?

Questions keep some from that place.
Answers draw me to that place.

Bold keystrokes slay many demons.
Solitary warrior exposed to any witness.

Yes, I shall.

Samhain 7

Each that enters your realm is there for a reason. See each as a chance to assist. Each is a chance for you to show by example. Example of compassion. Example of appreciation. Example of ability. See some as example to you and others for whom you will be an example.

In each of these cases, reflect afterwards in ways of insight and thanksgiving. That is why you are brought to others and others to you. It is for growth and for sharing. That is the way of tribe and herd.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Flyer (For my Granddaughter Gracie Wood on her Third birthday.)

The picture stuns me each time. A child flying in the air. Her father arms stretched to the heavens in wonder as she flies. Her hair aligned with the wind that is her motion. There is a bliss in the photo. The look on her face is joy. She is flying.

We have all wanted to fly at one time or another. Not just in a plane. Honest to goodness, flying. Under our own power. Each of us has wished to soar through the air. Superman is my way. TV from 50s Superman (which differs from the many variations since.) Run, jump, and off I go. I am related to the young flyer so maybe it is in her genes. Her Grandma Sharon has to flap her airs and kinda swim her way into the air. To my knowledge, that is particular method is unique to Grandma Sharon. Well, her and a pelican taking off with a full pouch. Somehow I don’t see this young flyer as a slow take off kinda gal. She may have her Grandma’s genes but she has a different way to fly.

She jolts in the air and laughs all the way down. It is one of the best things her Dad does with and for her. All that exists is up in that moment. The shot up to kiss the sky. The drop down to where you know you are safe….even when falling to the earth. She knows all will be well. Dad is her catapult, launching platform, and safety net.

This is more than flying. This is trust. She perks up at the hint of him tossing her aloft. She tastes one and wants more. She tastes more and wants even more. “Again, Daddy!”. So Daddy does. Again. She is free of all things and connected to all things in that moment. Those moments.

She is the only thing in the world that matters to her father at those moments. His child….tossed with love…….caught with love and safety. He lets her fly and makes sure she is safe to want to fly again. Think about that. He lets her fly and makes sure she is safe to want to fly again. This is a moment of a child trusting a parent absolutely. This is parenting that teaches life lessons. She knows she can focus on flying. He will be there to catch her when she falls.

He will be, Gracie. Just as your Mom will be. Your Grandma and I will be there too. You soar. Today. Tomorrow. Forever. Goes as high as you can. Laugh loud with euphoria. Get dizzy with the magic of moments like the one in that photo. That is living. You are three years old and the soaring has just started. Your family will be here to catch you should you fall. Fly, Kid. FLY!

I hope the bliss Gracie knows when she flies is hers even with both feet planted on the ground. As Casey Kasem, used to say (Casey is a famous DJ like Cousin Brucie and Wolfman Jack….check the history books someday, Gracie.), “Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars.” In your case, let your feet fly as you reach for the stars.

Happy Birthday, Gracie Wood.

Love Pop-Pop

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Samhain 6

The past returns to visit and sometimes stays too long. When looking at the future through eyes of the past, the vision is as sure as walking with your eyes closed. As long as nothing has changed, you may find your way without hurting yourself. If nothing has changed, there will not be bruises and bumps. If nothing has changed, the path is known and the pitfalls are the same. If nothing has changed, you are safe to move in the same directions with the same outcome.

The future should honor the bumps and bruises of the past for that is experience. The vision should be forward though to find the way.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Samhain 5

Why alone? Why apart? Why the struggle? All questions as Samhain weaves on its course of acceptance. There is inner turmoil. The new is here as the year began. It is as if the snake shed its skin of old and adapts to its new skin. A new feeling. One that has new lines and new looks and new feeling and new places.

That is why alone and why apart and why the struggle. Things are new and the tribe is stronger and filled with resolve. The herd pauses to understand and then will be lashed into motion at a newer and faster pace. A joyous pace. See not the pause and the loneliness. See the respite. Breathe deep and look ahead. The harnesses and yokes will be strapped on firmly and the lash will let all know to spring forth.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Samhain 4

Be what you are. The search to find what you are can be littered with self denials and pretenses and those self denials and pretenses can begin to feel real. Be what you are. Ask the difficult questions when looking inside and then digest the answers fully. The changes will be many but you will know they are right. The lightness of self will guide you. The confidence of acting on what is natural to you will fuel choices that are long overdue. Be what you are.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Samhain 3

Inefficiency is a cancer that must be identified, treated, and cut out if necessary for it threatens the bounty of the tribe and the herd. Samhain is the New Year and resolutions of improvements and changes must be more than words. The energy of the SOURCE pushes more and more to the tribe and the herd and those that come raise the level of expectations for all that are.

See the life around all as the field that it is and tend to it well. Nurture and reward those that give so willingly and so well. Tend the weak to heal and strengthen. The work ahead is hard but the rewards are vast. Rise to the challenge and earn what is yours for the taking. What you give of self will be returned many-fold as joys escalate and happiness soars. Fear not the changes that come about as this happens for those things were of the old and anchored you in the old.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Samhain 2

Feel the tide rise and rise with it as do boats at sea or in the safest harbors. The only boats that do not rise with the tide are those anchored so securely that the water moves above them as they hold firmly in place. Rise with the tide for the moon is new and there is no stopping the force that raises the tide.

The storm clouds of change gather in the west and the winds will howl forth to cleanse and energize the air. Feel the sweetness of the storm and breathe it deep. A much needed storm to weed out what has withered and prune for future growth. Batten down the hatches to not just weather the storm but to welcome it.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Samhain 1

The balance of light and dark. An equinox of seasons and cycles and circles. This is what is here. The Harvest is now. Marks placed and envied and more ceremonies to come. Circles. Rings. Cleansings. Dances of ceremonies with equals of purpose and place.

Outsiders move inside. Examples gather. Guides point the way. The clouds lift slowly but the visibility is sensed before the clarity is truly seen.

Ask for the questions are better ones now. Accept what is and do so with pride in self for the tribe and herd will not have anything that is not of value. The belonging and acceptance is the first and surest proof that you are worthy. Drink from what you seek and be refreshed of self.