Saturday, July 31, 2010

Litha 30

Transitions are important things. Time for reflection as well as planning. Time to savor the joy, reassess lessons learned, and prepare for even more joy. As seasons change and changes process, we have time to pause in thanks and move forward with resolve.

These transitions are important and should be honored in your own fashion. For some, it is a quiet catch of breath and a smile. For others, it is marked and measured as sure as sunrises and sunsets. Regardless of the method, honor it. You deserve the wash of success and this will fuel as well as accelerate the journey forward. In SOURCE, of SOURCE, and with SOURCE. The tribe in motion and the herd safely in tow.

Litha 29

Maturity is sweet. Maturity of self as each grows. Maturity is not of age in this realm. Maturity is not of years or earned in cookie cutter steps to the achievement. Maturity is as individual as each in the tribe. It, as with all things, begins inside. For some, there it stays. The light of understanding and acceptance of self never breaks through the darkness of denial and doubt. For others, it takes longer and longer and then shines forth still shadowed by the remains of the darkness. For a select few, the light not just breaks through the darkness but shatters it and all shadows within and beams forth like the sun.

This light shines and warms and energizes all that see it and all that bask in its protection. This is the light of self as understanding matures and power results.

Litha 28

You have held and been held. Gentle and sweet. With innocence. That is your way and your way is right. Do not do anything at the expense of others. That is not just you but that is tribe.

Look now at what you are and what you become. Look and smile. Look and enjoy. Look and love what is held as well as what holds.

Comfort in the embrace of belonging and connection. Comfort surely and firmly and sweetly. Comfort and be comforted for this is needed for all.

Do not waiver. Do not doubt. Enjoy what is yours with surety of place and connection. The more you comfort and are comforted, the safer for all.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Word, Man

Everything else is something between writing. It all feeds the Writer. Calms. Humbles. Energizes. At times, it frustrates. For the Writer was born to write. All the other things were other things that mattered at the time. All the other things were something that the Writer tolerated….sometimes impatiently. When you are supposed to be something and that something is like breathing to your soul you should be that something. Other things were times in the dressing booth of a costume shop on what am I to be supposed to be shopping sprees. I am a writer. When I write, I am alive and doing what I was born to do. When I do other things, I am in between writing.

Books are inside of me. Others’ stories waiting to be told. Actually, waiting to be read. Yes, story telling is part of my writing. Yet the words are meant to sail across the universe and dock in minds open and waiting for what they already knew. My words stir thoughts. They stir inside of me, roar out, calm one beast, and whirlwind on to feed the hungry. Passion fruit. Joy seeds. Aha droppings. Simple connections for complex beings.

Short Stories. Poems. Missives. Massives. For the Masses and not so massive. For the small of doubt and large of heart. For people just like me that died a long time ago, struggle to survive now, and wait to be born. Look while I am here and I am here. Look when I am gone and I am here. Eternity begins with a word. I am Word. Word after word is my life sentence. Life is lived on death row and writing is life after death, during death, and greater than death. Till death to us part? Not me. I am a Writer and the word is greater than the sword, the flesh, and the critics who sit on the sideline and complain about my view.

Litha 27

Laws come from within. The compass that makes us what we are. Right and wrong are from the heart and soul of each and the laws that guide us must first be from self. The enforcer of these laws comes from within as well. No one can hold anyone else accountable but each can and must hold themselves accountable.

Laws of Tribe should always honor this for written laws should cover the universals. The truths and values all hold. The “shall nots” got it wrong. Honor Thy Self. Respect the honor of all others.

There should be few laws and even fewer enforcers that are not of self. The very need for more laws and more enforcers speaks of internal decay. Do not tolerate nor enable any who do not honor their own law of self. Beware of any who seek to impose their unique law choices on others.

The universal laws should be known and agreed upon. The universal laws should also be few. That is Justice. That is Community.

Litha 26

Community is work. Many seek it but then quit once the work begins. The work of being together and building the future. The work of knowing the past and working through it. The work of knowing all about all and linking hands that sometimes frustrate. This is not for the faint of heart. There will be upsets and will be set-backs. Clashes will be large and small.

These obstacles are not truly from within. These things are set as barriers by forces that do not wish community of kindred to work. Forces that would prefer the status quo or even less of the SOURCE. They set barriers and hurdles of egos, greed, selfishness, and self importance.

Some will fall during this battle. Some will choose the easy path. Look inside yourself and you will see the strength there to do it. Strength self empowered with the strength of tribe, accelerated with the strength of herd, and synergized with the strength of the SOURCE.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Litha 25

There are times to be alone and process. To go forth into the woods or the hills and the woods and hills of the mind and just be. All need this some times. Tribe and herd. Ruler and follower. All need some time to be alone. This does not isolate. This empowers.

Isolation is different. Isolation is separation. It is hiding. It is division. Those that seek isolation hide from healing and answers and help. There is an irony in those that seek isolation in that most will not seek it alone. Beware. Isolationists run and horde and harm. Keep not to nor with them. Tribe is not of that. Tribe is of tribe and of herd and of world as well. Tribe does not isolate. Tribe includes.

Litha 24

Healing is in each of us but healing alone is a slow process. Do not assume that right for you deprive yourself of quicker healing but, more importantly at times, you also deny others the chance to assist. The healing and sharing of healing links. This makes not just for better health but for better community.

When touched with things that need healing, of the body, mind, or spirit, look not within. Look for how this was given and what was intended. A caution to slow down? A message to connect with someone or something? An opportunity to be tended? A thing to push you to something new or someone that waits unknowing? The thing that needs healing draws your attention to it and to self. Look there but look at tribe and at the SOURCE and be the bigger being that sees of self as well as of Kindred.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Summer Release

Kiss a tasty Creamsicle in tattered underwear.

Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse back from yesteryear.

Tax Collectors’ hearts drowned in all the rules.

Jesus and us Cynics running out of cheeks.

Flags zygote tiny battles nursed to senseless wars.

Days so clearly numbered based on nightly news.

Hints of Armageddon good for quarterly reports.

Dollar growing weaker while Leaders promise change.

Tales of lives worth telling busy being born.

Faces and more faces facing common truths.

Heroes trim tomato plants and elevate the earth.

Fireworks of Summer spark a brand new free.

Here is where I feeling, there is where I am.

Sending forth my nothingness to hither and to yon.

Shadow turning Phantom minus signet ring.

Mushroom clouded vision finally seeing clear.

Curses, praise, and wonder wrapped within each verse.

Far more deeper lines written then erased.

Every single one of us is an answered prayer.

Came in through the window, death is just a door.

Litha 23

Places sometimes surprise. Not just the self, as each moves to truest potential and fullest strength, but to many who did not see what was. Self masked so well that the true being was hidden from all. As the light of understanding shines on that being, it blossoms to power. Watered by the SOURCE and nurtured by use with the herd and for the tribe, it surprises with the thrill of connection with destiny. Live well as your new place touches in ways deserved as well as needed. This enhances the joy even more. This is calling. A calling linked to the truth of the SOURCE.

Litha 22

Tribe travels with you but is sweeter when actually with you. It is not about a place but places enhance. Places take on the energy of those there. Welcoming can not be painted on or framed into existence. Welcoming comes from life force and life force can not be purchased or faked.

The place you call home is of you and of tribe since you are of tribe. The energy comes from you and touches any and all that enter. They do not merely feel at home, they are at home.

When you travel, tribe is in you and home is as well for your energy feeds tribe and home as sure as home and tribe feed you. When away from home, those drawn to you feel the energy of home and tribe that you radiate. That is the sweetness for there is a place that is home but that place is of self and tribe so no one place is vital. Tribe is home.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Litha 21

Tribe is about belonging. It is about acceptance. Each needs to accept self and then feel that self is accepted in the tribe. Tribe enhanced by the acceptance and self fulfilled by that very same acceptance.

There are many tribes and each will find their own. To do so, journey within and discovers what is right and what is not right. Therein lays the difficulty that many never overcome. What is right is defined by each. One’s right is not necessarily another’s. That does not make either wrong but helps define each none the less.

Tribe is of kindred but not cookie cutter. Tribe is linked in belief and trust. Belief in self and each other and trust in self and each other.

Litha 20

Reunions are special things. Tribe will have many reunions for tribal energy spans time and space. The energy that forms when family reunites is even purer and stronger. Blood energy. The purest and rawest of energy for links in flesh are links forever. This is what tribe does. The layer of complexity links.

Tribe merges as family as place for tribe and herd clarify for each. The energy of tribe is the energy of family and calls to those that seek family but know not of it by blood nor bond. This feeds the very energy and it spans out further and further like a beacon of hope. Soon it beams not just in this realm but across time and space and calls to family of tribe as well as family of blood. It draws them. It bridges chasms of separation.

This is how tribe links. Members find family in the tribe and the herd. Family of energy. Sometimes the link is of blood as well and that accelerates the radiance of the energy for others to see.

Many move to tribe and herd now. Many. Many more will. Be open. Be tribe and herd.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Litha 19

The tribe learns to work with the herd in balance of dignity and power that both tribe and herd need to further the place of both. The tribe sees the herd thrive as rulers grow in confidence of self and tribe. Tribe does not, and never should, take their power over the herd for granted. In proper use, the power energizes the Feminine in rulers as well as all in the herd. Places shift. Titles change. The joy of the dance of ruler and slave sing to all on the dance floor of this new life.

This same power in the wrong hands can ruin it for tribe and herd. Power can be abused when not in check and balance. Dignity can be lost for those that kneel and crawl if the ones knelt and crawled to see not the offering therein.

That is why tribe as well as herd are known to each other in openness, love, and acceptance. The community and knowing are the check and the balance.

The tribe moves to title and name as sure as the herd moves to number and full exposure. With check and balance, this will only move quicker and energize the changes already underway.

Litha 18

The tribe glows as sure as the Sun on a summer day. The Sun of morning as a new day dawns. A new day followed by another new day and another new day in a season of change long overdue. The Summer of tribe and of herd. The Summer of SOURCE. The Summer of connections and links. The Summer of Love. The Summer of Hope.

Spirits soar on the wings of destiny. All sensing this is it. All believing that this is finally for real. All knowing the connections are true. All enjoying the season for what it is and seeing the seasons ahead in a whole new light. The light of insight. The light of kindred. A light seen with eyes that are not lonely anymore. Eyes that light from within by what goes on there thanks to tribe and herd.

Summertime. Litha. Season of change.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kiss Me With Your Sameness

Kiss me with your sameness.

Gift me one more day like this.

Kiss me with your sameness.

Tomorrow won’t be missed.

Leftovers dished for two.

Breakfast for dinner.

That thing you do.

Another cup of coffee, heavy on the cream.

Know what you’re doing.

Everything’s been seen.

Yesterday can be tomorrow.

Let today be just this way.

Deju vu, me, I want to stay.

Kiss me with your sameness.

All my dreams come true.

Kiss me with your sameness.

Nothing else will do.

Nothing else will do.

Litha 17

Each is more joyful as place becomes real for all and loneliness becomes a thing of the past. The community of tribe is one of kindred. Acceptance. Love. There is power in the community as purpose and place link freely.

Watch as those that rule as well as those that serve blossom. Both fulfilling destinies long sought, often underestimated, but now becoming reality. The Synergy flows freely and has an exponential effect on happiness for all. Feel it. One flexes and understands power as it sees another kneel and taste place. One smiles joyously and feels the juice of such things while the other whimpers joyously and feels the twinges of understanding and acceptance. This fuels another flex and another and both move to glorious place. This is what happens and this is what should happen more and more.


Tribe links to tribe and shares the successes. The herd links to herd to share the joy. Tribe and herd link to work in tandem and all else follows.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Tomorrow's Child

Tomorrow arrived a day early and I’m already there. Turns out tomorrow has been here for quite a while. Could be months but more likely years. Wrapped me in its arms and let me think it was still today where I was for as long as I needed to get a clue. Tomorrow is cool like that.

I should have known. There were tons of clues. All those things I learned and did in my yesterdays popped up all over the place. Right when they were needed. Helpful stuff. Insightful, too. My garden of days was in full bloom. Lots of the right seeds were planted, took root, and produced a bumper crop of really good stuff. For decades now, my yesterdays were all over my todays. I weeded out the shit, harvested the good stuff, filled my hunger, and shared the rest. Felt like really good todays based on some damn good yesterdays. Silly me. I was one day ahead of myself. Took me some time to realize it.

Sure my todays were great. Saw the fruits of my labors and the learning from my mistakes. Life was easier to live. It is much easier to get to where you are going when you are already there. Something like that. Yet it was different. I was different. Calmer in some Zen way. People around me wondered, “Is he high or something? He gets pissed off a lot less it seems”. I moved through life with an infuriating Mona Lisa smile of knowing something. Savored it while sensing my understanding was slightly left of center.

Thought it was a connection to the global. The Citizen of the World approach to everyday living. Linked the change to that awareness. In a way, it was and is. In more ways, it is not. Unless I am the whole world. I ain’t the whole world. I live in the world of my own making but it is a world that includes everyone and everything else. It is just more mine in a way since I make it. My world today is the direct result of my yesterdays and it is dang good world. Yet my world today is not about today. It is about tomorrow because I am already there. I am a Time Traveler.

That is why each thing I do feels different. I realize it came from yesterday and that what I do with it feeds my tomorrow. Each choice. Every word. All the smiles. Each and every thing I did makes today and today directly shapes tomorrow. Wrap your lips around that and wet your whistle. It’s the tune of Global Awareness and Responsibility for Self with a pinch of time travel just to spice things up.

My todays feel different because they are different. I made today yesterday and live today like it is already yesterday. I am Tomorrow’s Custodian. Tomorrow will be a light clean up day along with some seeding for great things to come and deep doses of joy and peace for everyone. Today is only important because of what it does to tomorrow. Today is only as good as what we did with our yesterday’s.

This day ahead of where you are stuff does take some getting used to….for sure. That is why I suspect I have been in tomorrow for a few year’s worth of todays. I see things that used to bug me. Some don’t bug me anymore. Some still do. Yet they bug me differently. Less in a way. Yet they bug me and that bugs me. Now I see why. I feel the effects of those things on tomorrow and I feel them today. The ones I control, that is my own stuff, I change. The other stuff I just feel and accept for what they are.

Tomorrow will come and it will be glorious. I know that today. I will be here tomorrow or I will be somewhere else. Time Travelers welcome tomorrow. Especially when we are already there. Time Travelers celebrate yesterdays and carry all the good stuff forward as they travel. Travel light, Light Travelers. My world of today is the result of my yesterdays. My world of tomorrow is already here. See you there, boys and girls.

Litha 16

There is joy in power now and that is as it should be. Needs long ignored are now addressed and capabilities long suspected but never really tested are in play. Each in the tribe has changed and each feels the change in self as well as sensing the change in each other. This change is beautiful to see as well as to feel. This change is what fuels place as well as passions.

Question it not any longer. Withhold from self no more. The energy flows forth but will build even more with more usage and then will burst forth is a torrent of joy for the all and all. This energy is the energy of power. True power. Power of self living destiny not just accepted by self but by tribe and herd.

This energy is raw but natural. Link with self and link with tribe to harness and use it. This is the place of tribe. The herd sees the tribe as tribe now. The herd sees each in each other. You taste not just your own power but the power of the Feminine and the power of the SOURCE. Synergy. Synergy long overdue and much needed.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Litha 15

Laughter and pleasure should fill the tribe and all around. Laughter and pleasure confirm balance as well as progress. This is not silliness and does not distract from power and place. This is confirmation of linkage on levels of comfort that empower. Kindred in laughter send signals of connection to any who hear or see the mirth. Sisters in laughter advertise their bond as sure as banners and posters.

This laughter should fill the tribe. Let it ring throughout the hills. Let it warm the homes of all and ensure even the beasts in the cages and the pens hear it. This shows joy at events and connection. This shows linkages that most, if not all, will envy. This sets examples of how joyous every action can be.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Litha 14

Sharing is a key indicator of tribe. Look at the tribe and see. Those that share willingly are learning of self but also of kindred and community. Rulers that do not share are not the truest rulers. Others that do not share are likewise not the truest regardless of their station and place.

Look at the tribe and see how sharing has already changed and linked members. What is shared is what was horded prior and sharing is of things not only horded but not ever considered for sharing previously. The deeper the sharing, the firmer the link. The more significant the sharing, the stronger the community.

This is not just of resources and of herd but of all things. Information. Comfort. Abilities. Experiences. Questions. Tribe shares with tribe. This sharing makes tribe more of the place for all for each of any place and position have invested of flesh, heart, and soul.

Dig It

I looked for my relevance and it wasn’t there. Not the life changing, mid life, see the bald guy in the Vette kinda thing. Just a quiet inside awareness of life choices and their long-term impact. Right age. (Midlife crisis in the 50s. Either we are just bad at math or eternal optimists thanks to Willard Scott). Right time. Right place. It seems easy for me. To reflect and say quietly,,,,,”Wow, blew that one.” Then think more and watch rather than feel the sting of “What was I thinking?” Interesting to be so deep into the process that it is lived as well as observed.

Years of changes helped. Some made. Some foisted upon the sometimes slow to grasp the evidence at hand believer in SOURCE that I am. Years of preparation. Broke me. Yet I remained in tact. My life was just broken into a million little pieces. Shiny bobbles that I looked at one by one. Gems that assembled into something more façade than real in reflection. They shined quite beautifully. Felt wonderful in my hands covered with the eyeballs of hindsight. Understood the beauty in each one. Mistakes shown. Wisdom spread in the wreckage as well. The gambit of the priceless along with the worthless collected by the clueless.

Seems this is when folks get bitter. Dive into bottles. Hide inside drugs. Get really bad haircuts. Lose their fashion sense. End up in places with “Yeah, I belong” on their faces and a “Holy Shit” feeling in their gut. Run for the borders of all they know. That is the stereotype. The expected. Woooo Hooooo. I ain’t typical. Not this time. A ten-year head start might be my key to being different. Left the military a decade ago and entered the world I had prepared for and prepared. Lived the dream of the Defender of Truth, Justice, and the American Way. Exited the guard post and headed into the bank vault. Yahoo, Bobba Looey. Where are my withdrawal slips? Time to make some money and live the dream.

Didn’t feel greedy. Didn’t feel wrong. Didn’t feel disconnected from reality. In fact, I felt damn good. Had lots of stuff and got more stuff and the money was rolling in fast. Almost as fast as I could spend it. Alright, not that fast. Still, money would come so bills were not an issue. Could liquidate if I had to and that meant I was solid. Had enough savings and investments to pay all the bills so the ride was safe and sound. Worked hard, spent fast, and traveled tons.

Things changed. Drastically. Forever. In ways beyond my expectations that tested my limitations and challenged my foundation. My foundation turned out to be pretty damn solid. (Man, it is good I was well laid. A good foundation comes in handy when your world crumbles to pieces). Turned out my foundation was just well hidden by the stuff I thought meant living. Had to excavate. Had to dust off the remnants of my monetary Pompey.

I am living archeological dig. Can you did it? My logic went astray. Arch-logic. Bizarro thinking that become my reality. A life inside the dream I defended and then pursued with vigor and even righteousness. A life not relevant because it was disconnected. Disconnected from nature and the rest of the world…at least the world that did not have unlimited resources and the innate right to everything on the planet.

The dig is a work in progress. After all, the foundation survived and that is important. My life went to pieces, my world expanded, and my spirit soars. Digging out from under and adjusting to the light is a bit like birthing… happens at its own speed. Good to know the foundation is ready all the same. Rocky starts, Rocky Horrors, Rocky Road Ice Cream, Rocky and Bullwinkle.......all go better on solid foundations.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Litha 13

Be open to those that approach you, both of the herd and tribe and approaching herd and tribe. Your energy cries out to many as the SOURCE reaches to the surface and beyond. Many will be drawn to it that you would not suspect but you still must see. In regards to sharing of self in words and actions, you are of the SOURCE as the breeders are--Planting seeds that will incubate and be nurtured over time. Seeds of knowledge and insight as sure as embryos that will birth sometimes days or weeks or even months or years later. That is how hungry many are and their very barren and empty nature brings them to you and yours for the understanding of the Feminine and the energy of the SOURCE.

Do not question. Do not evaluate. Merely plant the seed of knowledge and let it grow. Perhaps they will ask you to help nurture it. Perhaps they will take the seed and go elsewhere for nurturing. This is not of your choosing for your energy is to be shared with the tribe and the herd and any drawn to it just as sure as breeder’s seed is used for purposes the SOURCE decides.

The energy sings out already. You feel it as strangers, friends, family, and all reach to you. You feel it as this happens in tandem to all in the tribe and every beast in the herd. This is how Litha is. Seeds longing to be planted. Wombs of knowledge longing to be impregnated by the Energy of the SOURCE. This is your place. This is the herd’s and the tribe’s place. The SOURCE will thrive and multiply in this fashion.

Fear Full

You fear that they will leave you.

You fear that they will stay.

You fear it is all bullshit.

You fear to know your art.

You fear to hide in slumber.

You fear to face the day.

You fear the things in shadow.

You fear the full of light.

You fear you are not worthy.

You fear to learn your craft.

You fear they will not see you.

You fear they’ll see your truth.

You fear to be so different.

You fear to be the same.

You fear to know abandon.

You fear to hide inside.

You fear you’ll be forgotten.

You fear nobody will care.

You fear what comes tomorrow.

You fear what is right here.

You fear to tell your story.

You fear to share your pain.

You fear the touch of loving.

You fear the feel of pain.

You fear you did it all wrong.

You fear you made mistakes.

You fear what you remember.

You fear you will forget.

You fear what you are reading.

You fear it’s really true.

You fear this is you speaking.

You fear I’m really you.


Take my words into your mouth and drink.

Wrap your mind around my totality.

Others have been here and you are now.

Some find me hard and enjoy the softening.

There is more to me but this your piece now.

Take me deep until your hunger is pleased.

Sweet to feel you and share this moment.

Enticing to welcome the pull on my unzipped soul.

Driven to penetrate the open and fill the willing.

Whored fully in these intimacies with strangers.

Do I taste sweet? Is this what you seek?

How did you learn to accept so much of me?

Who rides and who is ridden in this moment?
Who gives and who takes as we exchange?
Is the deepest part still me and is it really you?

Is there more in me that you draw into yourself?

Why does this matter so very much to me?

Why am I driven to feel this over and over?

The softness is as much me as the rock hard façade.

Beyond the man is the child so eager to please.

Kiss my soul with your knowing and learned ways.

Assure beyond the moment that you felt more.

Say this opened the longing for further exchange.

I am more and then more and then even more.

Litha 12

See not the gender but the energy of the being. Gender is a slight of hand at times. Sometimes, it fools even the energy within for the energy within adapts to what the vessel is told and taught and made to think it is. Sometimes, gender overpowers energy.

This is truer of the male gender than it is for the female gender due to the masculine ego. Egos are dangerous things and can shape males in ways that diminish their worth and dam their connection to core energy. Cage this ego or kill it totally and the energies flow freely and there is then feminine and masculine. Sometimes as if two new entities. One free to be what it was always meant to be. The other new to existence and to be handled as if infant. Both vital and loved.

Use and place beings based on their energy, not their gender. There will be females of gender that serve for their primary energy is masculine and males of gender that lead for their primary energy is feminine. However, remember that this realm is visual and it can be hard for tribe as well as herd to see beyond the gender. Such things can and will confuse many. Accept the visual of the gender but see beyond it. Even if only for what is done in other realms. There will be herd here that moves elsewhere as leader and vice versa. This is for the rulers to know and guide. For others, this will confuse them.

Sunday, July 18, 2010


Sometimes the why is inside. Soul felt. Moved on blindly. Something that remains just out of sight somewhere on the path up around the bend that comes hithers your lust for right and peace and love. It sirens and you sail forth.

That is when you are at your best. Blindly loyal to the unknown truth that is Cosmos, God, Goddess, and all the angels and saints of hopeless causes and losing battles that can be the human experience.

When you move on that why, you are the music that reminds you of listening while holding the first hand that enticed in new ways of flesh. You are Van Gogh in the field putting everything there onto the blankness that is merely the canvas of your soul in that moment.

The why is feeling, hunch, and sweet cluelessness. Why? Because you are where you need to be, what you need to be, and doing what you need to do for whatever reason will make sense to you later or never and you don’t care. You just know. You know without knowing why you know but you know you know. So you do.

Kiss the mundane with passion and it froths with life. You give life as life fills every inch of your emptiness. Trust in the why even when you don’t know why. Trust when you know is easy. Trust when you don’t is living.

Litha 11

It is not about self. Once that is understood, growth and connection are true. The journey onward must begin inward. Balancing and mastering self so that true abilities are ready for all the outside work to be done. Yet the inside of you must be addressed with others help and that is a bold and daring step. So bold and so daring, many do not take it. This is true of tribe and herd. Many choose the delusion of self healing. Many focus outward in full denial of self. This is sometimes effective but only in the short term and almost always on shallow levels.

Going in the core of self is a journey of discoveries. Some light but many dark. Very dark. Do not look in the dark. Do not look in there alone if you even dare to look in there. Doors left unopened win in their very existence. What remains behind those doors becomes far greater than what is actually in there. The unknowing feed the issues and the monsters therein.

Find the one, or ones, to be there as you open those doors. Do not do this alone for that is not what tribe does. Tribe uses the help of tribe just as tribe helps tribe. See the beasts. This is natural for them for they have accepted place as they enter the corral, stay in the pen, work in the cage, await the mark, and live as herd. These beasts move to each other and to tribe for help and guidance with an openness that should be example to tribe who have withheld of self and thus diminished the tribe.

The beasts have no secrets for tribe does not let them. The beasts have no hiding places for tribe does not let them. The beasts are seen in all they do for tribe makes it so. In this total exposure is freedom. The beasts are naked, inside and out, to any who look. The beasts thrive in this. This is not just for them but for tribe. Freedom from the burden of secrets and lies of the worst kind---secrets and lies to self.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Litha 10

Times and events can try the soul. Things seemingly callous and random tear at flesh and soul. Unfairness of what happens to whom push even the strongest to fear and doubt. The purest and the innocent suffer and protectors, lovers, and nurturers watch with a seeming helplessness that frustrates and angers. This is when truth is told.

Some will need comfort, others silence, and even others just ears to hear anguish voiced. It varies and is often at conflict with the norm for the ones in the need. The one sure thing is this is when all need someone. If not in view, in heart. If in view, perhaps in silence. If not in silence, perhaps in soothing tones. Gauge what is needed and be that for the injured. Look in the eyes to see the hurt inside. Masks always have holes for the eyes for nothing masks the eyes except to blind.

Tribe rallies to herd, herd to tribe, and kindred to kindred regardless of place or power. This binds forever as the moments are handled. Together.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

How To Save The World (Dirty Talk)

(Another chapter of the book "How to Save The World", being written as I live it. If you want a copy of the work thus far, reach out and we will make it happen.)

Tire Man works harder than any man I know. Just yesterday, he dug a four-foot deep, grave sized hole in his yard. All by himself. He started with the sun. Bear in mind the sun clocks in at four A.M. in July in Utah. I was sawing logs and Tire Man had a shovel in his hand playing in his compost.

When it comes to compost, Tire Man is a Master. King of a “this dirt used to be banana peels and grass clippings” art that was almost lost somewhere between big box stores and one hundred and eighty two channels of nothing to watch. He perfected the do-it-yourself compost bin from four free tires and has a railroad tie lined compost pit as big as dumpster. That was where I discovered him yesterday on the way back from my morning walk just after eight o’clock, mid day for my neighborhood super human hero.

He looked like a happy gravedigger. The contentment in his smile earned by the shovel full and filled with pride. Rightfully so. As far as holes in the ground go, his coffin shaped excavation was a gem. Neat. Clean. Symmetrical. It was the Empire State building of compost pit holes. I gushed. He beamed. We both understood. A lesson Tire Man lived for decades that was mine in a wheelbarrow of virgin dirt less than one sun earlier. Knowing compost is harnessing fire.

Compost is garden fuel and turns yesterday into tomorrow. This hole in the ground was Tire Man’s passion pit where dirt was born. Dirt that will womb seeds that warm to plants and balance our need for life. I popped my composting cherry this summer and birthed a virginal lust for the cycle of all things. My first-born was in a wheelbarrow in my back yard and I was already hungry for more. More dirt.

Dirt of my own making from things I used to send away unclaimed and unwanted. By products of my choices and actions once foisted onto society to handle that will now be given a home. Right in my own back yard. Banana peels from breakfast that will surface as dirt and then as early Girl tomatoes. Tomatoes transported from plant to mouth by the very hand that tended them and quench hunger with deserved joy. Composting is part of that cycle.

The cycle of understanding. Understanding where what we eat comes from and how it gets to us. Understanding that what we throw away might actually be a treasure. A treasure we would have to hunt for in shops tomorrow if we don’t take the time to bury it in our own backyard today.

Tire Man was on a treasure hunt yesterday morning while most of us were asleep. Treasure hunting is dirty work when you do it right. He does it right and I am beginning to do it right. Sure beats digging our graves with our choices and trashing the world as we do. I guess I am becoming a dirty old man. Better late than never, boys and girls.

(If you are a doer, get to for the book, DVD, and sawblade....then do.)

Monday, July 12, 2010

Litha 9

Mistakes are great and telling things. See not just the mistake but the message therein and you will be not just wiser but more compassionate to others and to self. Mistakes and how they are handled or denied reveal things of people and self that open doors to understanding. Mistakes will be made by all. That is a constant. It is the nature of life in this realm. Animal instinct is activated by mistakes as pups and cubs. Learning is a series of mistakes. Many of the best discoveries are revealed thanks to mistakes.

When mistakes are made, see how they are handled and who handles them. Mistakes may be from inexperience and these are to be embraced and then corrected as learning. Mistakes may be from neglect and these are to be probed for cause and action. Probe well for the answer to the first why will not be true. Nor the second. Nor the third. The truth is layered to both the doer and the prober. Five fold probe gets to the core of the truth. Address the core truth when taking action and the course will be pure.

There is another, more grievous and dangerous, indictor to watch for in regard to mistakes. See those that do not acknowledge any or that minimize all their own mistakes. This is rooted in arrogance and arrogance undermines value with a tide of defiance. Those that immediately seek blame over correction have one finger pointing outward and all others pointed at the cause. Those that minimize any error of self deny not just the truth to others but to themselves.

See not just the mistakes of others but of self. Treat both the same. Opportunities to learn and improve. Indicators of issues that must be addressed. Bonding that humbles and humanizes all.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Litha 8

All things happen for a reason. This is not just a platitude. This is guidance. It is the rudder that steers your ship of existence. This is vital to the foundation of all. Trust.

Trust enables true insight. As energy flows and shifts and changes abound, there will be things not desired as well as things desired but denied. Some will move to correct this or address the unfairness of it all. The ones that move in trust process each. They look for the why and not the why not when they do not get what they want. They seek the lesson in the set backs for they know the lesson is there and will be soon either right then or later when the time is right. They look at all that happens and trust the fundamental. All things happen for a reason.

This is not an excuse for willy-nilly. All will do all to the best of their abilities. This is not an excuse for resignation. Actions shape events as well as reactions. This is not Pollyanna-ish. Rulers and servers prepare and plan and work but do so in trust of not just the plan but that the outcome provides the answers as to what to do next.

Trust drives all. Everyday actions should move, improve, and reward. Understanding that all things happen for a reason gives peace on all levels.

About Time

The clock speaks less.

Time is more in my hands.

What is done when moves behind what is done.

Up at such and such.

Sleep at such and such.

Less and less that such and such.

The flow schedules itself.

Fluid movement just in time.

Eating what feels right when hungry nourishes.

Now happens between what just happened and what will happen.

Does anyone really know what time it is?

Can we be late when we are right where we need to be?

How important is exactness in the scheme of things?

Do you take the time or give it away banking on tomorrow?

Hitler ensured the trains ran on schedule and moved dark secrets very effectively.

Stress is free with the price of your ticket to the big show of commence.

Rolex ‘em if you’ve got ‘em.

Timex marks the liver spots.

A sweep second hand. My Kingdom for a sweep second hand.

Meant to.

Should have.

Would have.

Could have.

If I had known.

If I had it to do over.

If I had a second chance.

If I had known.

Happiness is now, later is the ultimate unknown.

Time is on my side.

I am the no man it waits for.

It is measured in cycles of light and dark and warm and cold.

A few Winters we have and this is just after one and maybe before another.

Time is a second away from forever.

Sloppy seconds make for minute lives.

Sundials, Hourglasses, Egg Timers, and Mickey’s hands.

Time is in the moments.

Here is my kiss with Twelve o’clock high hands.

Marking this moment forever.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Litha 7

Address your yesterdays to move into tomorrow. Time is a continuum and what you were shapes what you will be and should be. Denying those times is victory of the dark for those times thus limit. Energy evolves and goes as life in this realm does. It moves from the womb of beginning to infancy and onto to adolescence as well as adult in a fashion akin to what is thought to be the cycle of life. Only the beginning always was and the end is merely a change but the between times are much the same.

Of course, there were dark times. Experiments and journeys not to the liking of the further grown entity that you became as a consequence. Accept this for to deny your herstory is to deny part of what makes you exactly what you are and carries forth into what you will be.

Ghosts are those that did not let go. Did not move to the next realm which keeps them from the one after that and the one after that if that is where they are on their journey. Parts of the passed times denied are ghosts that inhibit the Spirit.

Calm Sees

The quiet calms me a times. Drinking in everything. The gagged torrent of self. The quelled rage of the world. The flood oozes and serpents through cellular nooks and crannies to my soul.

For a bit, it felt like understanding went away. Mistaken choices? Is where I am the dream and where I was the reality? Held that place for a while. Questions built of bricks of self-doubt. Holy Shit Houses mazed alone. So very quiet. Screams held deep inside because….well, because this place is beyond screams. The point of no return passed long ago and honored as such.

Then the dreams came. As peaceful as they were bizarre. Specifically unbelievable and exactly right. Each tentacle traceable to its Dead End joke root as the Muses slight of handle Their toy. Nights of them leave me dazed and less confused.

The understanding is real. The choices were right, albeit overdue. Lessening prepares for the more. My load is lighter for reasons that whisper on the get a clue whirlwind that sweeps the land.

Invisible. Exposed. Virgin displayed prior to ceremony. Breathing anew in waters of metamorphosis. The words are all around me. Soon I shall be them and they shall be yours. Soon they will go all the places needed and feed the hungry. The brewing matches the building and the feast shall be ravenous. Truth is my hunger and I nurse to a life that honors all life.

Extra. Extra. Read all about it.

Man becomes Word.

Word becomes Truth.

Truth becomes Life.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Litha 6

Travelers are not just travelers. They are guides. Guides to those that want to journey but know not how. Guides to those that will be traveling and in turn guiding later on their own. Travelers are not just to journey. They are to share and report of what they see and what they do. Some of these reports will be in deference to those that taught and directed the travelers for some travelers journey forth in service. Some of these reports will enlighten and awe others in the tribe at not just what is but what all are part of. Reports will be for many reasons but all chronicle a vital thing. Living stories.

What was, what is, and what will be are cycles and the reports show the linkage. Linkages of places not yet known but never to be forgotten. As the energies move from realm to realm, sometimes to visit and sometimes to stay, what transpired must be left for others to see. In those reports are keys to doorways. Passages that open passages. That is what is to be.

A traveler that does not share is not a traveler but a thief. That traveler does not share the gift. That traveler does not build the tribe nor the herd but builds the self. Beware of these travelers for they are takers from all they visit.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Scene and Herd

The pain from my fingertips is for you.

Take it deep and ride it into the darkness.

Kiss me with your screams.

In that place, I await.

Come and be inside the darkness you denied.

Feel my smile as you arrive right on schedule.

Spit in my face if you will.

Pray to find that strength.

It’s why you are here.

It’s why you will come back again.

It’s what makes it all work.

It makes you more you each time.



Attitude adjustment.

Uncomfortable enough?

Fitting. Oh, so fitting.

Right. Oh, so right.

Sweet. Oh, so sweet.

Dark. Oh, so dark.

Darkness suits you well.

Deep below the light.

Inside the heaviest burdens.

Above the crap you thought you were over.